It's quite something to think about the fact that I started writing a blog in the year 2006, which is 8 years ago... At that time, I was often asked what I was up to, and I wished that there was a platform where my family and friends from around the world could access whenever they wanted and see what I was doing. I was researching if there was such thing on Internet, and then I came across with the word, "blog." I was thrilled when I discovered it, thinking, "Yes, this is what I was looking for!!"
If you happen to be following my blog, I am sorry to add an extra step on your side, but would you please bookmark this new URL? Also, if you want, you can receive an email whenever I post a new blog entry by entering your email address in the "Follow by Email" box.
I look forward to be connected with you at the new blog.
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もしこのブログを常時見てくださっているようでしたら、お手数おかけしますが、新しいURLをブックマーク(「お気に入り」に入れる)して頂けますか?また、私がブログを更新するとメールでお知らせすることも出来ますので、もしそのようなサービスをご希望の方は、新しいブログサイトの右上にあります、「Follow by Email」の中にご自分のメールアドレスを記入して頂き、「Submit」を押して頂きますと、確認ページに移ります。そこで見えている変な文字をタイプして頂くと、確認メールが届きますでの、その確認メールのリンクをクリックして頂くと、手続きが終了します。