Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Dad!! お父さんお誕生日おめでとう!

Akari 2 and half years old
July 3rd is my dad's birthday. I am glad he was born because he became my dad :)

In the morning, I sent him a message, "Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day. I'm sending you Maui rainbows." My dad wrote me back, "Thank you. I am happy to receive your message. Thank you for the rainbow!"

Then at the end of a day, I sent him another message, "Are you having a good day so far? I'm going to bed now (Japan is 5 hours behind but a day ahead). There are many 'issues' in this world. My heart aches when I learn each one of them. I ask myself, 'What can I do?" But I feel what I can do is so small compared to the size and amount of the 'problems.' But I know that there are as much beauty as those if not more, so I want to focus on those while I don't look away from the 'darkness.' And I want to live my everyday by sincerely meeting with what I encounter. I wonder maybe that might eventually contribute to the world. Are you fully enjoying your life? Would you be able to say, "I fully lived my life!"? As your daughter, I only wish from the bottom of my heart that you continue to make decisions that lead to your true happiness."

--------------- Japanese ----------------




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