Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Books I Read (between July and Dec '13) 読んだ本たち(2013年の後半に)

The last blog entry of the year 2013 is going to be about the books I've read in the last half of this year. They are all written in Japanese, though.

The first series of books to introduce is "Ryoma ga yuku" written by one of the greatest writers of Japan, Ryotaro Shiba. Although he is one of the greatest, I hand't known him until this year. I was introduced to him by one of his books called "Komyoga tsuji." He writes historical fiction so well with so much research and ground work.

After I was exposed to his first book, I wanted to read all of his work. My Japanese friend named Fusayo who lives on Maui told me that she has brought all 8 books of "Ryoma ga yuku" all the way from Japan. I was thrilled! 

I could not put the book down as soon as I started to read. Good thing it was during the summer break; otherwise, I would not have been able to work. I think I was captured so deeply not only because the main character Ryoma Sakamoto (who actually lived) and I are from the same town (his house was very close to where I used to live) but also because of his way of living - his philosophy and actual work based on it. Moreover, I was fascinated with the people who lived at the end of Bakumasu era. 

Here are some of my favorite quotes of what Ryoma said (according to the author).

"Politics should be done for the sake of people's happiness."

"What is my most fit mission in my life?"

"Until the world wants me, I focus on honing my skills."

"I would not follow religions blindly. I think for myself."

"When you forget about whether you'd live or die and the result of your battle, and when everything becomes the emptiness, and by becoming one with the emptiness, you would reach the state."

"I want to live with the brightness that every baby has, without ego and any attachment."

"I want to make this world where every single soul can fulfill its life's mission."














Here are "Komyo ga tsuji" - my first introduction to Ryotaro Shiba.
My friend Yuki who also lives on Maui gave me the first 3 books. (She was getting rid of them.) When she gave me, I had zero interest, but as soon as I opened the first couple of pages, I was captured.

This series was also about someone who was from my hometown. He was a lord named Kazutoyo Yamauchi, who governed my hometown before Ryoma was born (the lord was not originally from there, though), so I was very interested to learn about my hometown's history. What really intrigued me was Kazutoyo's wife. She was a wise, sophisticated lady. She educated and guided her husband to become a great lord without making it look that way. She was the one who was moving the history from the backstage! but she did it so elegantly without hurting her husband's ego or pride. She was so cool! I wonder how many women like her existed in the history of mankind, while women could not go out to the front stage of society.



But a problem arose, a big problem. The last book (the 4th one) wasn't there. I called my mom in Japan, and she immediately sent me the last book. As an avid reader, she'd read the books a long time ago. I cannot tell you how excited I was when I received it!!!


This is "Taikouki" by Ryotaro Shiba. It's a story about Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Mr. Hideyoshi climbed up the ladder from the very bottom to the very top, and what amazing about him is that he created the ladder himself. There seems to be commonalities among people who have pioneered improved one's life against all the odds.


"Kokyo bouji gataku sourou" by Ryotaro Shiba

「故郷忘(ぼう)じがたく候」 司馬遼太郎


"Saigo no Syogun" by Ryotaro Shiba

「最後の将軍」 司馬遼太郎


"Nihonjin wo kangaeru" by Ryotaro Shiba

「日本人を考える」 司馬遼太郎


"Boku no kotori chan" by Kaori Ekuni

「ぼくの小鳥ちゃん」 江國香織


"Rika san" by Kaho Nashiki
"Nishi no majyo ga shinda" by Kaho Nashiki

「りかさん」 梨木香歩
「西の魔女が死んだ」 梨木香歩


"Hashiru kotoni tsuite kataru tokini bokuno kataru koto" by Haruki Murakami

「走ることについて語るときに僕の語ること」 村上春樹


"Ringo no namida" by Machi Tawara

「りんごの涙」 俵万智


"Arigato, Sayonara" by Maiko Seo

「ありがとう、さようなら」 瀬尾まいこ


"Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima" by Randy Taguchi

「ヒロシマ、ナガサキ、フクシマ」 田口ランディ


"Hesiei Kanto Daishinsai" by Harutoshi Fukui

「平成関東大震災」 福井睲敏


"Jintai mokei no yoru" by Ramo Nakajima

「人体模型の夜」 中島らも

"Otousan no Backdrop" by Ramo Nakajima

「お父さんのバックドロップ」 中島らも


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