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Taken at 8:53 pm on Dec 6th, 2003 2003年12月6日 午後8時53分撮影 |
I'm amazed at a feature of digital cameras - showing every photo's very date and time when it was taken.
I came to Maui right after finishing high school.
"Buy a digital camera" was on my to do list before I left Japan. I wanted to send as many photos as I could to my parents. I felt bad for going so far away from them. I thought that sending them photos would be a way to stay in touch with them as well as to show how much I care about them. It was about when digital cameras became popular. I bought a laptop computer and a digital camera with money I earned from a part-time job I had during my high school years. (FYI: the camera was Canon's IXY Digital 200, and I loved it!)
I went to an electric appliance store, which was in the neighborhood of where I used to live in Kochi. It was the very first time I negotiated a price on my own. I vividly remember the moment. I mustered up my courage from every corner of myself and said, "Would you please lower the price a bit? I came with money I earned doing a part-time job. I'm going to study abroad, and I'd like to send photos to my parents." When the price was lowered than the tag, I was really thrilled. I thought, "Wow, it doesn't hurt to give anything a try." I also thought, "The saying - 'asking is only a moment's shame' - is really true."
Looking back the moment, I think that the challenge I imposed upon myself was my way of preparing for the journey ahead. I said to myself, "If you cannot do this with your native language in your hometown, how are you going to survive and thrive on Maui where you don't know the language and anything?"
So with the laptop computer and the digital camera, I sent many photos to my parents, but I started to think, "I wish there was some sort of a platform where I can share my photos and my thoughts all at once without sending any email, and whoever want to see and read can come whenever they want..." I researched and found out that there was such thing, and it was called blog. That's how I started to write a blog in 2006. It startles me to think that it's been already 8 years.
I was just browsing through some photos I took with my first digital camera. When I saw the date and the time when the above photo of a pink plumeria was taken, it brought me back memories of that time. I was a full-time college student. I was studying from early morning to late night everyday. I think the book underneath the flower is a textbook. When I took the photo, I was thinking that the petals looked like ceramics, and I was caught by its beauty. I probably took this photo in between my assignments (it can be called procrastination :))
I think it was around that time when I started to notice that I actually like photography.
私は高校を卒業してすぐにマウイに来たわけですが、日本を発つ前に必ずしようと思っていたことが、「デジタルカメラを買う」でした。マウイで出来るだけ沢山の写真を撮って、父と母にメールで送ろうと思ったからです。親元を遠く離れてしまことを申し訳なく思う気持ちがあり、写真を送ることで少しでも親孝行をしようと思ったのです。デジタルカメラが発売され始め、主流になってきた頃のことでした。高校時代にアルバイトで貯めたお金をラップトップコンピューターとデジタルカメラに費やしました。(ちなみにそのデジカメはCanonのIXY Digital 200でした。すごく気に入っていました。)
今、昔撮った写真を見ていました。そしたらちゃんと日付も表示されていて、しかも撮った時間まで見る事が出来て、「おぉ!」と思いました。一番上のピンクのプルメリアなんて2003年。大学生真っ最中の頃ですね。勉強に明け暮れていた日々を思い出します。きっと下に見えているのは教科書です。プルメリアの花びらが陶器のように見えて、「こんなに美しいものがこの世にはあるんだなぁ」と思っていたのを覚えています。宿題の合間にでも撮っていたのでしょう。(休む言い訳でも探していたのでしょう 笑)
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Taken at 9:08 am on Feb. 16th, 2008 2008年2月16日 午前9時8分 撮影 |
I think for me, taking photos and making haiku poems are very similar.
Today, I'd like to share the haiku poems I made this year.
However, I'm sorry. I cannot translate them to English at this point (no time), and quite honestly, with my translation skill, I don't know if I can really extract the subtle nuance of Japanese into English while following the 5, 7, 5 rule.
I will attempt someday.
Sorry, not today.
This year, I could not attend as many Haiku gatherings as I could last year. However, by creating some whenever I could, I was able to go inside the world of nature and inside of myself, and depicting the sceneries of those worlds with words was so much fun.
(Here and here are blog entires about my passion for haiku poems written in English. )
波乗りて 飛沫(しぶき)萌えし 初明り
封開き 郷愁誘う 初便り
初泣きの 子の顔拭きて あやす朝
凛と立つ 凍てつく吐息 野水仙
視野広し 世界広がる 竹馬よ
初明り 過去と未来が 混ざり映え
手書きの字 変わってないね 初便り
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Taken at 9:08 am on Feb. 16th, 2008 2008年2月16日 午前9時8分 撮影 |
土かぶり 柔(やわ)し竹の子 顔を出す
黒土に 白肌際(きわ)つ 筍よ
夏めくや 緑の香を 風運ぶ
袖めくり 額拭う君 夏めいて
人興せ 心興せと 祭り神
余花(よくわ)かて 君の面影 うつし出し
新緑に 心洗われ また一歩
生を受け 祝う喜び 母の日よ
母の日に 偲ぶあなたは 宙(そら)の人
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Taken at 2:57 pm on December 8th, 2006 2006年12月8日 午後2時57分 撮影 |
刺されても 栗を目指して 毬(いが)をむく
台囲み こぼれし笑顔 栗ごはん
腰伸ばし よだれ垂れ来る 栗拾い
そっと見る 軒下とまる 小鳥たち
風吹きて 小鳥と揺れる 椰子の木よ
菊手にし 目を細めし 老人よ
日だまりを 探してほっと そぞろ寒
映りしは 夏の思ひ出 照葉(てりは)かな
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Taken at 3:29 pm on Mar. 12th, 2005 2005年3月12日 午後3時29分 撮影 |
次世代に 想い託して 落ち葉舞う
風吹きて 空を彩る 紅葉かな
駅の隅 時雨見上げて 父を待つ
時雨るる ぱっと咲き立つ 傘の花
日を受けて 道草光る 夕時雨
待つほどに 想いを写す 青写真
切干しの 煮ゆる幸せ 噛みしめて
祈りあげ 留守もる月を 見上げては
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