Saturday, December 28, 2013

What Flowers Have Taught Me 花たちが教えてくれたこと

These flowers are blooming around my house.
When flowers are open, the air around them seem brighter.


There are many things I learn from flowers.


Like about being with people's pain...

One day, I found a fairly long line scratched with something pointy along the side of my car. I guess my car got keyed. But it could be an accident. Someone who was carrying something heavy right by my car may not have realized that a part of his or her cloth was scratching my car. But if it was an intentional act, I felt sad, not for me but for the person who did it and for my car that embraced the pain.

I found myself tracing the line with my finger and felt as if I was tracing the person's scar in him or her. I prayed that he or she who could not help to do it found peace now.




Flowers have taught me that bravely and gracefulness can coexist.


Flowers have taught me the beauty of not making excuses.
Just be and accept one's fate. 
They do not complain where their seeds have been placed.
They do their best to blossom as beautifully as they can regardless of their environment.


Making excuses for why I’m too tired to practice is easy, but actually getting myself to the studio has been challenging with a full-time (and I’d say demanding) job and other part-time jobs.

My heart yearns to dance, but my body says, “Oh boy, I am exhausted.”

I conciliate, intercede, and inspire myself and reach the studio.

Once I step into the studio, the exhaustion I was feeling disappears, and then I wouldn’t want to leave for a while. It’s a mystery.

Anyhow, I try to get to the studio as often as I can - even for 15 minutes while hoping that it would cultivate something in me - so that when I dance, I can access “the space” more smoothly and bring out the essence and share with the world around me.






Whatever happens, we will be fine as long as we are facing the sun.


Flowers remind me that we might be alone, but we are not alone by ourselves. We are alone together, so we are together ultimately. If we think this way, the loneliness itself becomes something endearing.


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