Wednesday, February 1, 2012

100th Day of School 100日目の学校

Recently, we welcomed the 100th day of school, so we had a party to celebrate it! Every child has worked very hard for the past 100 days and have grown so much. We all cried and laughed everyday. At the party, we watched a movie (DVD) and ate some yummy snack.

You might think that I don't get to see obvious growth in them since I see them everyday. Well, that's not true. At their age (7 years old), even I can see their rapid growth daily. Needless to say, if I compare them to the day one, they have definitely grown in many ways. It is indeed my pleasure to see the moment when their faces get lit up when they discover something new or when they finally grasp a concept they have been pondering about. Also, peeking into their world and how they seem to conceive the world are truly intriguing. For these reasons, I love my job! and I am grateful to be able to have a job I love.

They all wrote a letter to their families on the 100th day. The above is one example. Isn't it cute?





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