Wednesday, November 28, 2012

When My Heart Heaves 心が波畝るとき

When our hearts resound

When our hearts heave

There is something we cannot help but to convey

Maybe this is the reason why we

Take a pen
Sit in front of a canvas
Stand on a dance floor
Find a chisel
Reach to a camera
Pick up an instrument

Through the process
I hold scattering, boiling feelings close to me
I quietly bring them together and throw them in fire
and sincerely hit them like a blacksmith does to a sword

And with the sword
I want to cut it open to the other side

There I want to expose even every pleat of my heart

And yet I know

I know that everything I want to convey is already conveyed there




どうしても どうしても伝えたくて

だから 私たちは


熱い気持ちを ばらまくのではなく
鍛冶屋のように 刀になるまで真摯に打ち付けて





Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Overwriting 上書き

It is interesting how a certain smell could bring back a really old memory from the past. For this mechanism, I think that November adapted "that" smell, taste, texture, colors, and sounds that remind me of what happened last November - the sudden separation with my then-husband.

This month, whether I wanted or not, I re-lived it through those senses.

The last time (the first time), I was in a total shock so I did not fully understand what had happened, and what I was feeling. I guess a part of me went numb to cope with it like using anesthesia.

This year, although it was not happening at first hand, it was "happening" more clearly before my eyes than the last year because of my more-alert state. Hence I was more vividly seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling, and hearing the pain from a year ago. It was an interesting experience.

It's probably like watching a video of an operation that was done on my body right as the anesthesia is losing its effect. This experiencing of re-living the pain pulled me down quite a bit. In the beginning of November, I couldn't put my finger on why I was downhearted, then I had the "Aha!" moment when I smelled the air - the exact same air I smelled last November.

It made sense to me. I thought that it was a good thing - a healthy process. I was glad to watch the video of an operation. I wanted to know exactly how the "surgical knife" was inserted and how I was cut open, and what was taken out or put in, and how it was stitched. I wanted to watch it all and feel it all, and I did not want to numb myself this time, so that I could meet the pain with more understanding and to meet the whole experience with a clearer mind.

Now, seeing the end of this month right around the corner, I can say that I am almost done watching the video. I am not downhearted anymore. I am lighthearted and truly content.

And I am overwriting November with lots of new joyous memories. I know that November will become a month of growth and bravery in my dictionary.

------------- Japanese --------------









Thursday, November 22, 2012

Vegan Lasgner ヴィーガンラザニア

I like making lasagne in general, but lately, I have been obsessed with making vegan lasagne (I'm not vegan, though.)

I found the recipe here. I've been also enjoying ways to revise this recipe. This time (today), I added sauteed onion and zucchine.

I like cooking for myself, but I'm more motivated when I cook for people. Today was Thanksgiving, so I had a good reason to cook :)

Below, with the photos I took as I cooked, I am going to explain the recipe in Japanese for my Japanese friends.




作りながら撮った写真を元に、作り方を簡潔にご紹介したいと思います。良かったらトライしてみてください。そしてどんな感じに出来上がったか教えてください :)


  • ラザニアのパスタ 225 to 455g
  • 冷凍ほうれん草 560g
  • 豆腐(木綿)1丁
  • 牛乳じゃないミルク(豆乳とか、アーモンド、ヘーゼルナッツ、オート、ライスミルクなど)1/4 cup 
  • ガーリックパウダー 小さじ1(もしくはニンニク2かけらをすったもの)
  • レモン汁 30 ml
  • バジルの葉(約20枚)
  • トマトのソース 4 to 6 cups (980 to 1470 g)

I like this company's lasagne pasta.

From left: Cadia's organic tomato basil sauce, organic olive oil, and Pacific's organic almond milk


















Today I didn't have, but I like to put chopped parsley on top. Green looks great against red. Also, I'd like to put vegan cheese on top to see how it would turn out the next time.

Monday, November 19, 2012

An Announcement 報告

Ty Burhoe and I have been divorced. 
Today, I would like to make it announced here.

It's been almost a year since I received a sudden request for the separation. 
It has been a difficult year.
It has been a year with lots of tears.
It also has been a year that I cried because of everyone's kind words and deeds.
And it was not a year that had only sorrow.
It was a year filled with a great deal of learning and blessings.

I would like to sincerely thank those of you who have supported us while we were together.
Thank you.

------ Japanese ------




Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dissolving 溶かす

It's been a year.
I think that an enough time has passed for me to write about it.

There was a bottle of ground coffee... left by him.

I don't drink coffee at all, so it had been stored in the kitchen cabinet for awhile.
When I was sorting the cabinet, it turned out.
The black substance that used to be soft ground coffee was a solid rock then.
It was no where close to a condition that I could give to my coffee friends.
But I didn't want to just throw it away. I thought it would be more environmentally friendly if I recycle the glass and put the coffee in the compost. I poked it with a folk, but it made no dent or whatsoever.

I decided to pour hot water and let it liquefy.
I let it sit for awhile and dumped the water out.
But each time, only less than a centimeter would dissolve.
There were quite lots of coffee left, so it took almost a half day to get to the bottom.

As I repeated this procedure, surprisingly, I found myself crying quietly.

I guess it was a perfect metaphor.

As I watched the black rock dissolving, my heart was aching and moaning.
Grief, sadness, anger...
They were all solidified without being aware of it.
The hot water showed me that it was possible to dissolve hardened coffee grain as well as my heart.

"Oh, hot water, I thank you. Would you please melt my heart, too?"
I poured the hot water into the bottle with a sincere prayer.

When I finally saw the blue counter top through the bottom of the bottle, it looked like the blue sky after a long rainy day.

This all happened about a year ago.

A part of me must have known that I would be repeating this over and over in the year ahead.













Saturday, November 10, 2012

Do Not Give Up; It Will Happen When Time is Ripen 諦めない。時が満ちたらそれはちゃんと起こるから。

Today, (Wow do you notice that I am writing a blog entry about something that actually happened today? - not about a distant past... It feels good to have my blog caught up with my current life :)

Okay, let me start again :)
TODAY, I went to my friend Jonath's surprise birthday party. He is probably one of the most amazing body workers I have met and received treatments. (Here is his website.) Whenever I have a serious body condition or before (or could be after) an important physically demanding occasion (like dancing on a stage), I see him. He has been helping me tremendously for the past years. 

His wife, Andrea is another appreciated friend of mine. She is a fashion designer and a seamstress. (Here is her website.) I have been meaning to share a couple of dresses she has made for me on this blog. I will do that soon. She has fixed so many clothes of mine, so that I can continue to wear them. She is one of the reasons why I don't have to buy new clothes at all (beside that my girl friends hand me down theirs all the time). 




The party was at the Baldwin Cove. It was a perfect day for a beach day and for a birthday party!


Jonath has invented so many fun things for grown-ups and kids to play.
This is an aerial silk. A child is inside, and other children pushed her, so it was like a giant swing!


This is a special rope that is put really right between trees. You can walk on it or jump over it for fun. I tried to walk on it, and it was so difficult, but it was addictive. I just wanted to keep trying it until my body really gets it. I think I need lots of practice.


This one was for you to hang upside down. It felt so good for my back and neck.

And there were hula hoops! Well, I tell you that since I was a little girl, I tried so many times (to keep the hoop around my waist), but for whatever reason, my body did not get it, and I could not do it. Today, when I saw people doing it, I was hesitant to try it again. My ego did not want to feel embarrassed for not being able to do it. But, I thought to myself, "I should give it a try again. It does not hurt to try. If I can't, oh well, so what? Not a big deal. At least I tried." There were a couple of girls who were really good, so I asked them how they were doing it, and they gave me some advise. I tried, and then ta-da! I did it as if I knew how to do it. I finally somehow got it! I still vividly remember the very moment of "Wow, am I doing this? Wow, I am doing this!" I was hooked and kept doing it for awhile...

I guess it taught me a lesson. I should not give up, and things happen when time is ripen. 

After that, I was invited to a beach volleyball game, and there were no one whom I knew (well except Jonath), so I was a bit shy, but then I decided to join. I was in a volleyball club for 3 years in my junior high school. I know, I am small. I was a setter, and I loved playing it. I think I love playing and watching any team sport. It took me awhile to get used to it again since I hadn't played for such a long time, but it slowly came back to me, and I was having SO MUCH FUN!! I joined the 2nd set without Jonath being there.

Wow, I just had the most amazing beach time ever. That was my day. Pretty awesome, huh?? I am appreciative and thankful for my life. 

As I drove home, I thought how different my life is compared to a year ago. I was at a totally different stage of my life and was totally devastated. I was confused and heartbroken. Here I am today, a year later having so much fun with an open heart again. I was mesmerized by beauty, possibility, and healing power of life. Again, I reminded myself, "Do not give up. It will happen when time is ripen."






Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween 2012 ハロウィーン2012

I am not a big Halloween celebrator, so much so that this year was the first year ever in 11 years of living in the U.S. that I purchased a costume :)


I found this crayon costume and thought it would be perfect as a school teacher!


Also, another reason that motivated me to get a costume was that I wanted to go "Trick or Treat" with the kids (my dance teacher's kids with whom I live).

In the picture above, the "evil" witch (Yasi) is gently holding a hand of her pet green baby dragon (Sy). They were very cute together.

コスチュームを用意しようと思ったもう一つの理由は、子ども達と(踊りの先生の子ども達。一緒に住んでいる)と一緒に「トリック オア トリート」に行きたかったから。


Sy seemed to be a little nervous first. His first "Trick or Treat" was said behind his sister. Gradually, he gained confidence and made himself comfortable in the neighborhood, and he was pulling me to the next house.

初めのうちは、サイは緊張して(初めてのことなので)、一番最初に言った「トリック オア トリート(お菓子をくれないと、イタズラしちゃうぞ)」の台詞は、お姉ちゃんの陰からでしたが、そのうち自信がついたようで、私の手を引っ張って次の家、次の家へと歩いていました。

Here is a picture of Blue Crayon (named Sky Blue), Green Baby Dragon, and Red Head Gypsy :)


The baby dragon was wild, so we had to "capture" him right and laugh!


At school, some students brought sweets for their classmates. One parent brought this very cute Halloween plates for everyone.


The parent who brought the cute paper plates baked this cupcake for every child. It has "bones" on it.


Another mom who is a professional baker made this cute pumpkin looking sweet.


On the bottom of the cupcake, it said, "Trick or Treat." Wow, what a detailed presentation.

そのカップケーキの底には「トリック オア トリート」と印刷されていました。何て細かい演出でしょう。

I gave my students this brown sugar candy from Japan. No added color or fragrance. I thought that this would be healthier than other candies.
