Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Overwriting 上書き

It is interesting how a certain smell could bring back a really old memory from the past. For this mechanism, I think that November adapted "that" smell, taste, texture, colors, and sounds that remind me of what happened last November - the sudden separation with my then-husband.

This month, whether I wanted or not, I re-lived it through those senses.

The last time (the first time), I was in a total shock so I did not fully understand what had happened, and what I was feeling. I guess a part of me went numb to cope with it like using anesthesia.

This year, although it was not happening at first hand, it was "happening" more clearly before my eyes than the last year because of my more-alert state. Hence I was more vividly seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling, and hearing the pain from a year ago. It was an interesting experience.

It's probably like watching a video of an operation that was done on my body right as the anesthesia is losing its effect. This experiencing of re-living the pain pulled me down quite a bit. In the beginning of November, I couldn't put my finger on why I was downhearted, then I had the "Aha!" moment when I smelled the air - the exact same air I smelled last November.

It made sense to me. I thought that it was a good thing - a healthy process. I was glad to watch the video of an operation. I wanted to know exactly how the "surgical knife" was inserted and how I was cut open, and what was taken out or put in, and how it was stitched. I wanted to watch it all and feel it all, and I did not want to numb myself this time, so that I could meet the pain with more understanding and to meet the whole experience with a clearer mind.

Now, seeing the end of this month right around the corner, I can say that I am almost done watching the video. I am not downhearted anymore. I am lighthearted and truly content.

And I am overwriting November with lots of new joyous memories. I know that November will become a month of growth and bravery in my dictionary.

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