Monday, July 1, 2013

Big Island Summer 2013 2013年の夏のビッグアイランド

In July, I flew to the next door - Big Island and stayed with several friends for 5 days.
I went there to help an injured friend and to enjoy my summer vacation.
(About the last year's visit, click here.)


I stayed on the south east side of the island.


This is my new friend, L, a year and half old. She was so cute.
But she was in the phase of repeatedly saying "No!" 
When I asked her, "Are you hungry?" she said, "No!" but approached me with a wide open mouth. I suppressed my laughter and thought, "Well, this is one of the developmental stages, and it's a proof that she is growing as a person." That's how I dealt with her "no" throughout the 5 days :D


A crab came to say hi.


A friend of mine climbed a palm tree to harvest some coconuts...


And we can eat them right away. How grateful.


Warm Pond
It is warm due to the geothermal effect. It's great for someone like me who gets cold easily, but I wondered if bacterias easily breed in such condition. Maybe water is replaced by the tide?

ワームポンドという、入り江に海水がマグマの働き(地熱)に よって温められて、水温30度ほど。寒がりの私にとっては嬉しいプールだけど、ばい菌が繁殖しないのかしら?と少し思ったりもした。潮の満ち引きで水がけっこう頻繁に入れ替わるのかしら。切り傷があるときは入らない方がいいでしょうね。

There was going to be a party apparently. 
I liked its table setting.


She fell asleep while we were taking a walk one day. 
When I got back on Maui, I missed hearing her "No!" 


Whenever I go to Big Island, I think about a life style that is rooted in the nature. By chance, most of my friends I met on Big Island are living that way, side by side with the nature. When I am with them, I learn a lot.


I liked these paintings hang on the outside wall of the Pahoa Library.


This is dried jackfruit.
It looks like a wing.


My friend Yuko and her daughter made coconut milk with this special juicer.
I tasted it right off the juicer, and it was delicious beyond words.
(Here, you can see how she made the coconut milk although it's written only in Japanese, you can see many photos.)


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