Friday, January 11, 2013

Music Class 音楽の授業

The fun music class with Ms. Margie Heart started this past week!

In a school year, the children get to have Chance to Dance, Music, Visual Arts, and Gardening classes as enrichment classes. Usually each class runs about 8 to 10 weeks. (We have P.E., computer, library, and Hawaii Studies once a week throughout a year.) Communicating and coordinating with these enrichment teachers is one of my jobs as a grade level chair which I have undertaken for the first time this school year. This coordination work can be quite tricky in addition to scheduling field trips, guest speakers, and our regular curriculum that we cannot forget. It is like completing a puzzle.

It is wonderful that our School provides these wonderful enrichment classes to our precious children. This is made possible by the revenue we earn from an annual school fundraiser. It is an unfortunate fact that they would not have any of these classes without the hard work we put into this fundraiser, though.

Music is wonderful in so many ways. One of them is that it is closely tied to mathematics, and it is fun to teach math through music!

The above is a picture of a whole note eventually divided into 16th notes. The students will learn about fractions soon, so it was a good timing.

I talked to them that the whole note is like a dollar.
The half notes are like the 50-cent coins (we don't get to see much, though).
The quarter notes are like the quarters (25 cents).

Speaking of music, on the same day, we had a special treat. Brown Cow Brown Chicken Stringband paid their annual visit to our school and played for the children. My class happened to sit right in front of the stage, so the children got to see the instruments very closely. Their eyes were fixed on the musicians' fingers, and they seemed to be amused.

It looks like they are performing at Charley's in Paia tonight and at Fleetwood's on Front Street in Lahaiana on Sat. Jan. 19th at 10 pm ($15). If you are near, check them out.

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音楽と言えば、音楽の授業があった日にBrown Cow Brown Chicken Stringbandというバンドが学校に来て30分ほど演奏してくれました。(毎年来てくれる。)私のクラスは丁度ステージの真ん前に座ることになったので、子ども達は楽器とミュージシャンたちの手先を間近で見ることができ、凝視していました(笑)。


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