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Akari being Hyottoko (My left eye brow looks really thick in this pic, but it wasn't that thick.) ひょっとこ あかり (なぜか私の左の眉毛すごく太く見えますけど、 実際はこんなに太くありませんでしたので。一応おことわり。) |
I was fortunately asked again to dance Yosakoi at the annual Chrysanthemum Festival, a Japanese cultural event. It was held on November 30th this year. I don't know how many times I've danced at this event in the past... maybe this was my 3rd or 4th time.
It's embarrassing, but all I had known about this festival until this year was that chrysanthemum is a beautiful, dignified flower and that this festival is for Americans of Japanese ancestry. However, I did not really know what the festival was for other than a formal opportunity for them to get together once a year.
For the first time this year, I learned that this festival was originally founded by the Japanese American veterans who provided their services during World War II. The organization was and is still called Maui AJA Veterans Inc., formed in 1947. AJA stands for Americans of Japanese Ancestry. According to their website, "With the core group of veterans becoming older and less able to present events such as the Chrysanthemum Festival, the Maui AJA Veterans Inc. turned over the event to the Maui’s Sons and Daughters of the Nisei Veterans, so the younger group can use proceeds for its historical preservation work and to support the scholarship program."
"The veterans wanted to continue their camaraderie, serve their community, and honor fallen comrades of the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and Military Intelligence Service. Over the years, the veterans group contributed in numerous ways to the community. It continues to support the Nisei Veterans Memorial Center and to provide scholarships to students of all ethnic backgrounds who are seeking higher education."
今年初めて色々と学習した。まずこのお祭りは、第二次世界大戦で活躍された日系アメリカ人の退役軍人さんたちが始めたものであるということ。その団体の名前がAJA Veterans Inc.という。AJAというのはAmerican Japanese Ancestryの頭文字を取ったもので、日系アメリカ人を祖先に持つ人たちのことを指す。彼らのウェブサイトによると、(私の簡単な訳だが)退役軍人達は、戦場で培った友情の維持、地域への貢献、第100歩兵大隊、第442連隊戦闘団、またアメリカ陸軍情報部で命を落とした僚友たちへの敬意を示したいと願ったことが、ことの始まりらしい。しかし、その元々のメンバー達が歳を取り、他界していく上で、クリサンセマムフェスティバルを維持していくことが難しくなり、近年The Maui’s Sons and Daughters of the Nisei Veterans(マウイの二世軍人の息子、娘たちの会)が引き継いで開催している。そうすることで、歴史的に価値のある資料の保存(二世退役軍人記念館の建設と維持)、子孫たちが大学に進みたい場合の奨学金の援助などをしている。
This year, the majority of the dancers were not available, so I danced by myself. It was fine. I am used to dancing alone, and what that allowed me was to get to know some people who were at the festival. (When I am with other dancers, I'm busy organizing them, you know :))
One of the event organizers introduced me to Hiroshi-san, one of the 100th Infantry Battalion veterans. He was there with his daughter. He was over 90 years old, but his hearing was good, and he was in a fine shape with a sharp mind. I got to converse with him for awhile. He told me that he was sent to Europe for a year and half. He was all over Europe as an engineer. He had to stay there for 5 extra months after the war ended. When he came back, he took a boat from Europe to Virginia. From Virginia to California was an airplane. From California to Honolulu Harbor was a boat (5 days). From Honolulu to Kahului was again an airplane. When he landed at the Kahului Airport, he called his family, and his father picked him up.
As I listened to his story, I imagined him being young and being a Japanese American at such a difficult time for the particular ethnic group in America at that time. I imagined him how he must have felt when he learned that he could finally come home. I imagined him in a boat. I imagined him getting closer and closer to home (Maui). I imagined him calling his family from the Kahului Airport. I imagined his family getting the phone call and how relieved they must have felt to hear his voice. I imagined his father driving down to the airport, looking for his son's face. Imagining the scene, my eyes filled up with tears. I was also appreciative of this rare opportunity to listen to someone who actually has been there and experienced.
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Young girls were getting ready in these pretty kimonos to become flower girls. When I see kimonos, I get very excited. They are art pieces. 「フラワーガール」になるために、小さい女の子たちは着物を着せてもらっていました。 着物は見ているだけでわくわくしてくる。 |
After I came home, I studied about the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Even today, many Americans know about their work. The more I learned about them, the more I gained respect for them and felt the irony of history. Their original generation (the first generation) immigrated to Hawaii and (some parts of the mainland America) for a better life. Then the war broke, and their home country and their new country became enemies. Japan sneak attacked the Pearl Harbor (regardless whether the American officials had an advance knowledge of it or not; the fact is that Japan attacked it), and it put Japanese immigrants in a very bad place. They were scrutinized and prejudiced. They were sent to internment camps. In order to gain the fellow Americans' trust and respect, as well as a place in the American society again, Nisei, the second generation fought so hard in the war, even if it meant to go against their own uncles, aunts or cousins still living in Japan... They did their very best under the circumstance.
Japanese American men were initially categorized as 4C (enemy alien) and therefore not subject to the draft. While many mothers secretly wished not to see the draft letter, these Nisei were hoping to be drafted, and they even volunteered to show their loyalty. There are many that died in the war in pursuit of that purpose. I'd like to salute to their heroic, courageous acts and their self-less dedication to the future generations.
At the same time, I cannot help to think about those who were killed by them without putting any blame on the Nisei veterans. Those German boys who were shot to death also had mothers, fathers, wives, children waiting for their return at home. They were dedicated to their country as much as these Nisei were to theirs. Therefore, any war is callous, inhuman. One's heroic act can be flipped to a totally opposite act from a different perspective. A war is indeed dehumanizing in a sense that humans are forced to do something against the human nature. It is also so in a sense that humans do not often come home as humans; they come home as bodies. Hiroshi-san's dad could have received a phone call for a different reason. Luckily, his dad received a call from his own son asking to be picked up.
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Adorable かわいかった |
That's why, I think we've had enough. Just imagining my own students going to the war zone makes my spine freeze. There are people who say wars are necessary. But I wonder, "Have we really, really done everything we could possibly do before we come to the solution - war?" I think that there are more we could do. I think that we, humans have more potential than we have let ourselves experience. I imagine that even people who say wars are necessary would be sad if their own kids come home as bodies. They may say, "Well, my child fought for our country, so I am very proud." But I think that they would wish that their children were alive. They may wish to have seen grandchildren. They may wish to have shared the news that the apple tree they planted together finally blossomed and fruited. That's why, I think that we shall try our very best before we decided to go to a war. In order to protect our loved ones. And in order to protect someone else's loved ones. We are not only Americans or Japanese. We are also Earth people.
Some people say that some wars are created not due to conflicts between countries but to make money. If so, I want to say to those people who are plotting such terrible things, "Your mothers did not go through the 'hell' of birthing pain to let you do such thing." The reasons why all the mothers in this world have given birth to their babies despite of the excruciating pain is not for the them to be killed like bugs but for them to witness beauty of this world and to experience love. We cannot let the sacred birthing agony turn into sorrowful tears.