Sunday, November 24, 2013


I have been very much enjoying reading these articles.
Hobonichi site has been interviewing people with various occupations.
I am sorry to say that they are available only in Japanese.
I wish I could translate all of them into English, but I don't have time for that now.

I think I enjoy reading each one of them (I sometimes read it again for the 2nd time or the 3rd time) because they give me inspiration to keep honing my current occupation with passion like these interviewed people are doing. Also, these articles give me some insights into the world of other occupations that I was interested but did not choose to pursue in this life time.

Indeed, there are so many different kinds of jobs in this world today. Whatever it is, people who have pride in their work and are constantly thinking, "How can I contribute to the world and provide happiness through my work?" are shining, and I truly respect.

Lastly, people who have followed and are in the midst of following their dreams have this unweaving core in them. When I recognize it, its heat transmit onto my core.

--------------- Japanese ----------------






#1 テレビマン

#2 パイロット

#3 レーシングドライバー

#4 吊り編み職人

#5 アニメーション監督

#6 犬の健康食品販売業

#7 ダンサー

#8 スジ屋

#9 ゼンリン地図調査スタッフ

#10 団地を愛する不動産屋

#11 漁師

#12 メカニック

#13 航空整備士

#14 写真フィルムメーカー社員

#15 ストップモーション・アニメーター

#16 主夫

#17 筆跡鑑定人

#18 和菓子作家

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