Friday, November 1, 2013

My First Polo 初めてのポロ観戦

For the first time in my life, I went to see a polo!
Here, polo is held every Sunday, but this particular Sunday (10/27) was special because an important event was also taking place. One of my former students' mother started this fundraiser for children with cancer. Her son (a former student) himself had leukemia, but after many years of treatment, he overcame, and he is cancer free today! She wanted to help other children who are going through that. So, there was no way to miss this.


I had no idea that there was such a big flat land.


Watching the polo for the first time, I was thinking, "Wow, in this wold, there are many things I don't know yet." Polo is interesting in a sense that it does not only depend on one's ability to control a human body, but it also involves another being - a horse. You have to be one with a horse to do this sport. Is there any other sport that involves an animal (beside a horse race)? 


People were watching the game like this with beer, BBQ, and so on. Is this Hawaiian style?


My friends Naoko and Mari
(Their cowboy boots are cute


Naoko's husband, Kevin even brought a grill and cooked yummy food for all of us. Thanks, Kevin!


"Fun friends!"


During the break (between games), people were allowed (?) to go to the field and play and dance like these people.


Cute cowgirls


So, I spent the Sunday afternoon like this, relaxed and entertained while thinking about children who are going through a difficult times... My close friend lost her young nephew to leukemia, and it was deeply painful and sorrowful for even someone like me who had met him only a couple of times. I could not imagine the ocean of pain and agony his immediate family was swimming through.

Yet life goes on... no matter what.
Here we are, breathing in and out.
May you be feeling loved at this very moment.

こんな感じでまったりと過ごした日曜日の昼下がりでした。癌と戦っている子ども達のことを想いながら・・・ 私の親しい友人の甥っ子はまだまだ若くして、白血病で亡くなりました。その子に二回ほどしか会ったことのなかった私でさえ、その知らせには心から涙し、胸が締め付けらました。彼の身近な家族がどれほどの悲しみの海を泳いでいたかは、想像以上のものだったと思います。


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