Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day's Thoughts 父の日に想う

Before the Father's Day, I had a Skype session with my dad who lives in Japan. For Father's Day, I sent him a key holder engraved with the numbers for his Japan address's longitude and latitude. (I got it here.) He had already received it and opened it by the time we had the Skype session, so I asked him, "Did you know what those numbers meant right away?" He answered, "Yes, we use these at work."

And through the laptop camera, I showed him around the new house I recently moved in. He knew exactly which way was south and north by just looking at the screen. I was amazed. Then he saw that the house is not built directly on the ground and said, "Oh, maybe Totoro is living under your house. You should leave one section open for them to get in and out freely." Then he saw some heavy machineries on the property (the landlord's) and said, "Oh, you can ride them and have fun." (I won't do it, though.) I don't know if he is a responsible adult or a playful chid. I think both, and I love that about him.

父の日を前に、父と久しぶりにスカイプをしました。父の日のプレゼントに、両親の家がある地点の経度と緯度の数字が彫られたキーホルダーを送りました。(マニアックと思われるかもしれないけど、そういうの父好きそうだし、お洒落なデザインだったのでね。ここでゲットしたんですよ。 )届いたらしく、「数字が何を意味するかすぐに分かった?」と聞いたら、「うん、仕事で使うからね。」とのこと。


When I was very young, my father who is an engineer and a lover of science and mathematics once told me in a serious tone of voice, "Akari, if you see a bee, just stand still as if you are a tree. Breathe like a tree and think like a tree. Then the bee won't sting you because you're a part of its environment."

Even as a child, I thought that it was an interesting advise to hear from a mouth of an engineer who was not a hippie at all, but I liked it. Ever since, I've been following his advise and have never been stung by a bee or any insect.

By the way, I'm going to digress a bit from the Father's Day story. One day, there was a bee in the shower at my new house. It was sitting on top of my shampoo. I noticed it after I turned the shower on. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were there," I said wondering how it got in there. Its wings got wet, so it couldn't fly. I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and gently picked it up and brought it outside. The bee seemed to be relieved knowing that it was returned to a familiar environment and looked as if to say, "I don't have towels, but I can dry my wings if I open them," and it sat there for a little while and then flew away. "Thank you for making honey for us, and thank you for helping flowers to bloom and fruits to be made" is what I said. I sounded like a real hippie then, but I meant it :)

And actually this story has a continuation. Since then, I saw a bee (I don't know if it was the same bee or not) for 4 consecutive days inside of my house. It appeared at different spots in the house. Each time I said, "Oh hi there" and guided it to go back to the outside world. One day, it was between a screen and a window. I opened the screen and guided it by saying, "Go a little toward left. Yup, that's right. Then go down." The bee moved as I said. It was probably coincidence, but it was fun. I wonder if the bee came to let me know that he or she was doing well.





As an adult, I began to think that my father is someone who has been fascinated with re-experiencing the nature world through science and mathematics. Like artists depict beauty of the nature through their paintings, poems, and sculpture, he used a tool called science and mathematics to express himself. As a child, when I had a real hard time doing my math homework, I asked my dad for help. He never gave me a straight answer but showed me multiple hints to get there. I often looked miserable covered in tears and runny nose as I was frustrated with myself for not understanding :) In the meanwhile, he used to say, "Math is beautiful. It is the height of simplicity." I thought, "There is no beauty! I'm covered in snot!" but I still left a room for its possibility. As I teach my second graders math now, I often think, "Dad was right." Mathematics allows us to show the complex world in such a simple way. It is like the Haiku poem. In its simplicity, various worlds are unfolding. There is romance that permits us to ponder over them.

My father was born as the youngest of 5 children into a farming family which was opposite of wealthy. He grew up growing vegetables, planting rice, and taking care of cows and goats. According to my grandma (his mom), he was a studious boy but also was considerate of family needs. Without being asked, he used to voluntarily come home early (even before school ended) when it was harvesting season and planting season and helped the family. He has been interacting with the nature world since he was small, so it is probably natural for him to develop deep respect and awe toward the nature. He taught me many things such as how to find young bamboo shoot and take it out, which snake has poison, and that I should not climb persimmon trees because their branches break easily. He is a rather quiet person and is not over friendly (I like that about him that he does not give empty compliments to people), but he loves children, and the neighbors' kids loved him; he used to play with them when he wasn't at work.

I think that he has become a very responsible adult while he maintained the pure heart of a child as he loved science and mathematics and sought something deeper beyond them. I sincerely hope to be a person like him.




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