Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sensei, Sensei 先生、宣誓! 

Suga-sensei and Koji (Suga's partner; he also passed away at a young age)

June 1st is the anniversary of our beloved teacher, Suga Kunitomo's passing.
(I wrote about the day she passed here.)

My friends and I went up to the top of Haleakala, which was her favorite place on earth, and where her ashes were scattered, to commemorate the loving memories of her. 



The clouds were dancing just like how Suga-sensei used to dance.


A great smile of Yako with Suga-sensei

From left: Yako, Naoko, Mika

We took turns to take a shot. Can you tell?
In the next photo, Naoko who is standing the furthest right
should be gone to take the photo.

See :) In the next one, Yako will be gone.

Hahaha :D

This time, on the top of Haleakala, while being surrounded by Suga-sensei and dear friends, I was making up my mind about something. In this photo, I was making an oath. Mika named it, "Sensei, Sensei!" Hahaha :D It's a word play in Japanese. Sensei has two meanings (both are homophones). One is teacher, and the other one is making an oath. Do you get it? Do you also wonder what I swore? Well, I'll write about it in the future.


Akari posing one of Yosakoi moves with a pic of Suga-sensei
held by a kuroko (kuroko means 'a person behind a scene' in Japanese).

A cute Little White Riding Hood - Mika
(She brought the kihei which you put on yourself when you attend a Hawaiian ceremony.)
Again, a kuroko was holding the corner of the kihei. Good job, kuroko!


At last, we saw this photo of Suga waving at us funny fellows :)


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