Monday, July 29, 2013

Stormy Night 嵐の夜

On July 29th, a storm hit Maui. 

The rumbling of thunder was shaking the ground beneath me. 

Oh, how I loved it!
I've always loved thunder and lightenings since I was a little girl.

Whenever the stormy sky started a spectacular lightening show with great sound effect, my little forehead would be pushed against a window, and I was amazed and entertained.  

As an adult, lightenings and thunder always remind me of a childhood memory. I was probably about 7 years old because my brother was about 3 years old. My mom was away for a weekend workshop. My dad took us for a dinner at a nice, cozy restaurant. As we were eating dinner, a big storm hit the area. The power went out, so the restaurant owner gave us a candle. Three of us watched gusty winds trying to scatter the heavy rain, and the heavy rain trying to fall straight down. Lightnings were everywhere. Thunders were heard far and near. We were done eating, but we stayed there until it was safe enough to drive home. My brother was scared, but he knew he was fine because he was on my dad's lap. I was not scared but worried about my mom for a second, but my dad told me that she was at a safe place. Knowing that everyone was at a safe place, I thoroughly enjoyed the show with the candle light and felt that the heavier the storm got outside, the calmer my heart became inside. Also I was impressed by how the little candle light provided a big comfort, and I wanted to become such light (my name Akari means soft light in Japanese).

On July 29th, I was done cooking before the electricity went out which lasted only 3 hours or so. The storm finally hit toward the end of a day, so when the power went out, it was already at night. I used candle light to read a book.

I enjoyed that experience - the experience of going inward, alone, at a a stormy night with the tender memory of my childhood.

I think I like storms because they give me a real hands-on practice to feel peace inside no matter what is going outside of me. 

After the storm (the next day)








Saturday, July 27, 2013

Photo Diary - July 7月の写真日記

A new day is here. May we see the sparkles in each person and each incident that we come across today. (One morning, I saw this marble sitting by the window, and I was mesmerized by it.)


How sweet it was to hold my friend's baby (4 weeks old) like this as she fell asleep on me.


Sunset as a background, the red dance clothes were dancing on the clothe line. (I was given these in India. The color red comes out, so I wash them separately.)

夕焼けを背中に、紅い洗濯ものたちがひるがえっておりました。 (これらはインドで頂いたものたちです。赤の色が出るので、他の洗濯物と分けて洗います。)

I love incense.

Especially this one
(Juniper Ridge's Pinon)


My friend Monique gave me this as a house-warming gift.

The below is a diary entry after the Haleakala Hike.

"I had a great day. I finally finished the purchase order for my classroom for the upcoming school year. Then I had a dance class taught by my teacher, and she led us do basic steps for an hour (we usually finish them in 20 min or so.). My calves were so sore from the Haleakala hike. Severely (lol) pushing the physical and mental boundaries in grace of deities put me in a trance-like state, and I loved it. In the afternoon, I went to school to turn in the PO and do a little organization of my classroom. Then I had a private lesson with Sarala and finished learning a dance item called Aravi Pallavi (approximately 13 min long). Now, I just had a yummy dinner I cooked for myself What a great day and life I had and have. Thank you."



This is a part of the Odissi costume. It ripped, so I was fixing it.

July 10th
"Hooray! I just received music called "Aravi Pallavi" from my teacher. (In the classical Indian dance tradition, you receive a music source when you finish learning the item.) This summer, I've been able to set time aside to practice pretty much everyday. I've been also working harder to strengthen muscle tones and stamina while training my body to move in the alignment (not in injury-prone ways). If I have any free time, I go down to the teacher's studio. That's why you wouldn't see me at the beach I'm grateful to have something in my life that I can be this passionate about."



I had an opportunity to perform at a private party with this gorgeous infinite pool and the sunset over the island of Molokai as my backdrop. What a view it was!! This party was one of the silent auction items at fundraiser for the Maui Culinary Academy. My friend, Jennifer Oberg, who is full of great ideas and is always helping the Maui community in so many ways, came up with this one. The item included delicious Indian cuisine prepared by Uma, beautiful henna arts by Brittney Lewis, and an Odissi performance by me. A generous couple bit and won this auction item last fall, and they decided to use it this summer.


I had injured my right wrist many years ago.
It almost healed, but it comes and goes.
This summer, I must have done something. 
The pain came back. Ouch.

In the midst of all, I managed to catch a roach with chopsticks! I can catch them with my bare hand, but I had disposal chopsticks already used and was about to thrown away by my side, so I gave them a try, and they worked. 



I received a postcard from one of my past students who was visiting the mainland. 
She said that this postcard reminded her of me (the Japanese kimono). 
How sweet.


Cute vegan cupcake

I love lilikoi (passion fruit) pie.
I got this one for my friends.


Can you see it?
It says, "WONDERFUL."
I am kind of a person who gets giggles when I find this kind of stuff.


Hawaii is a rainbow state, indeed.

My lunch box one day.
From the top right to clockwise: azuki beans and kabocha and raisin cooked together, vegetarian Mabodofu (you wrap it with the lettuce leaf), rice risotto, and yellow lentil cookie.

I'll write casual recipes (I came up with these as I was cooking, so I didn't really measure everything):
Azuki beans and kabocha - Soak azuki beans over night. Cook with kabocha and raisins. Add salt. That's it, but it is sweet.
Vegetarian Mabodofu - Fry garlic and ginger in sesame oil, add onion, fake minced meat. When it's all cooked, add tofu. Adjust the taste by adding salt, pepper, red sauce, etc. Pour over water thinned katakuriko (potato starch, if not wheat flour can do).
Yellow Lentie Cookie - Cook lentil. Add flour (I used garbanzo bean flour and rice flour). Flatten it and bake over the frying pan.


カボチャとレーズンと小豆の煮物  -  小豆は一晩水に浸して、カボチャとレーズンと一緒に煮て、塩を加える。これだけで十分甘い。
ベジタリアン麻婆豆腐  -  ごま油で生姜とニンニクのみじん切りを炒めて、玉ねぎ加えて、大豆から出来たベジタリアンひき肉(ひき肉に見える)を入れて、火が通ったら豆腐を加え、味付けし、水で溶かした片栗粉を回し入れる。
レンティル(レンズ豆)クッキー  -  レンズ豆を普通に調理し、そこに粉を混ぜ(小麦粉でもいいですけど、私はひよこ豆の粉と米粉を使った)、適当な大きさなに丸めてフライパンで両面焼く。

One morning's breakfast... very yellow


A company on Maui started making this product.
It's good.


Mini tomatoes harvested at my friend's house.
It tasted like the sun.




I love eating brussel sprouts with vegenaise (vegan egg-free mayonnaise).


One of the books I read in July.
"Iruka (Dolphin)" by Banana Yoshimoto

It made me want to cook and to experience nurturing a life within my body someday (not yet).

「イルカ」by よしもとばなな


I simply love making a yarn ball. It rounds my heart, too.


Friday, July 26, 2013

My Second Miso Making 2回目の味噌作り

July 26th, 2013 

Last summer, I made miso for the first time (here is a blog entry about it). A year later, I used it up, so I made my second miso this summer. This time, I used only a half of each ingredient (because otherwise I won't have space to store them.)

I loved the feeling I felt when I was mixing rice kouji (malted rice) and soybeans. It was a texture of happiness.

July 28th, 2013 



Monday, July 8, 2013

Pat Conroy's "The Water is Wide" パット・コンロイの「ザ・ウォーター イズ ワイド」

I've been enjoying extra time in summer to read many books.

One of my favorite summer readings this far is this book, "The Water is Wide" (a memoir) by Pat Conroy. My hanai (means "adppted" in Hawaiian) mom, Alice recommended this book.

His tactic and articulate choice of words evokes feelings in me, completely yet poetically puts me through the journey, and sets me free leaving only more freedom to breath this life more deeply.

Additionally, the common factor of both of us (he and I) being teachers makes this book even more interesting for me.

Ahh, I love reading.

--------------------- (Japanese) ------------------


その中でもお気に入りなのが、このパット・コンロイさんが書かれた「ザ ウォーター イズ ワイド」(自伝)。マウイでのお母さん、アリスに紹介された本だ。(と言っても彼女は仕事上アメリカ本土に引っ越してしまったけれど。)




Saturday, July 6, 2013

Makawao Paniolo Parade 2013 マカワオ・パニオロ・パレード2013

Here coms the annual Makawao Paniolo Parade!
Paniolo means cowboys in Hawaiian.
This parade takes place right around the Independence Day of America.

12 years have past since I came to Maui. For the past 8 years, I've been living in Makawao, so Makawao is like my "hometown."

Makawao itself is not a big town. It is cute, and has a really comfy taste of country feeling. The center of the town has several fashionable boutiques and a grocery store. There are some restaurants, yoga studios, a Chinese medicine store, a massage school, and a gorgeous jewel store (Maui Master Jewelers), too. 

Today, I'm going to share photos I took at the parade. If you click them, they will be enlarged. 





A girl's hair decoration was on the road after the parade.
It somehow caught my eyes.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Big Island Summer 2013 2013年の夏のビッグアイランド

In July, I flew to the next door - Big Island and stayed with several friends for 5 days.
I went there to help an injured friend and to enjoy my summer vacation.
(About the last year's visit, click here.)


I stayed on the south east side of the island.


This is my new friend, L, a year and half old. She was so cute.
But she was in the phase of repeatedly saying "No!" 
When I asked her, "Are you hungry?" she said, "No!" but approached me with a wide open mouth. I suppressed my laughter and thought, "Well, this is one of the developmental stages, and it's a proof that she is growing as a person." That's how I dealt with her "no" throughout the 5 days :D


A crab came to say hi.


A friend of mine climbed a palm tree to harvest some coconuts...


And we can eat them right away. How grateful.


Warm Pond
It is warm due to the geothermal effect. It's great for someone like me who gets cold easily, but I wondered if bacterias easily breed in such condition. Maybe water is replaced by the tide?

ワームポンドという、入り江に海水がマグマの働き(地熱)に よって温められて、水温30度ほど。寒がりの私にとっては嬉しいプールだけど、ばい菌が繁殖しないのかしら?と少し思ったりもした。潮の満ち引きで水がけっこう頻繁に入れ替わるのかしら。切り傷があるときは入らない方がいいでしょうね。

There was going to be a party apparently. 
I liked its table setting.


She fell asleep while we were taking a walk one day. 
When I got back on Maui, I missed hearing her "No!" 


Whenever I go to Big Island, I think about a life style that is rooted in the nature. By chance, most of my friends I met on Big Island are living that way, side by side with the nature. When I am with them, I learn a lot.


I liked these paintings hang on the outside wall of the Pahoa Library.


This is dried jackfruit.
It looks like a wing.


My friend Yuko and her daughter made coconut milk with this special juicer.
I tasted it right off the juicer, and it was delicious beyond words.
(Here, you can see how she made the coconut milk although it's written only in Japanese, you can see many photos.)
