Since school started, I can't really update my blog regularly, so I think what I'll most likely end up doing is to update weekly with photos, and it will be more like a picture diary.
Here is an entry about the last week.
I bought a beautiful bunch of pohole (Hawaiian fern) (see photo above) form one my students' parents' farm at the farmers market in Kula, so I prepared it for the first time. I simply dipped it in a hot water for 10 seconds or so and put it in a bowl of ice water. Then I cut it into smaller pieces and then tossed with Bragg amino acid and apple cider vinegar. That's it. Simple but yummy. It's a bit slimy just so you know.
Speaking of Kula, there is my favorite honey farm in Kula. I get my honey from there always. (Check out their website.) I finished a jar, so I poured hot water to make an instant honey tea; I didn't want to waste any honey.
I am very excited that the Nrityagram Dance Ensemble is coming to Maui from India in February!! I've bought a ticket. I saw them maybe 6 years ago when they came to Maui, but at that time, I just began taking Sarala's Odissi classes, so I wasn't really familiar with the dance form, and all I remember was, "It's beautiful," but I didn't have much experience and knowledge to fully appreciate the experience. This time, I think I would have more meaningful experience.
If you live on Maui, please do not let this rare opportunity to see one of the classical Indian dance forms! It will be Thursday, February 21st at MACC. You can see more info and purchase tickets here.
One day, Haleakala was so clear again. When I see something this large and gentle, I'm inspired to be big-hearted.
There is no picture, but on Tuesday, when I picked Sy (my dance teacher's 3-year-old son) up from his daycare today, and as I held him up to put him in the car seat, he wrapped his little arms around my neck and said, "Nana (he nicknamed me Nana when he was still a baby), I love you." It melted me into a puddle of water. What a blessing.
写真はないですけど、火曜日にサイラス(私の踊りの先生の3歳になったばかりの息子)を幼稚園に迎えに行き、彼を車のチャイルドシートに乗せるために抱き上げたとき、小さな腕を私の首の周りに回して、「ナナ(彼は赤ちゃんのときから私をこう呼ぶ)、アイ ラブ ユー。」その瞬間、私水たまりみたいに溶けました。あぁ、何という幸せ。
Most American people would have probably watched this already, but here is President Obama's 2nd inaugural address. I think that he is a very good speaker. I wondered what those slaves back in 1800's would say if they see him being the president of the U.S. We've come far, but not far enough. We have to walk the talk. Let us blossom into the full human potential. What can I do for that vision is what I ask myself everyday.
I hadn't surfed once since school started on January 3rd, but finally, I made it to the beach last Thursday (January 24th). I had a quite full day that day, so I got there at 5:30 pm and hesitated to go out because the sun was about to set, but I thought even a half-hour would be better than nothing. And I was so glad I jumped in even for 30 minutes. I had so much fun just being held in the mother ocean again. Actually, on this day, I woke up at 2:30 am (naturally), so I was able to have a long day. I think it was due to me going to bed at 8 pm the previous night. When I woke up, I wondered how I would be doing in the afternoon, but I was fine.
On Saturday, I attended the monthly haiku poem gathering (I wrote about it here), and one of the older yet strong and sharp minded members named Mrs. Sanae brought home-made mochi for all of us to take home. Wow. I was so grateful.
On Sunday (today), I woke up early to go surf again. On the way to the ocean, I saw this full-moon setting over the west Maui mountains. I said, "Good morning to you, Full Moon. Thank you for relaying the light from the sun. See you later."
The waves were smaller than last Thursday, but I had lots of fun.
But after I came home, I had a mean headache, stomachache, nausea, and chills and spent half day lying down. I slept a bit and am now as fine as being able to update my blog. I wonder what that was. Sorry, the Izanai Yosakoi dancers that I had to cancel the class today.
And of course more things are happening in my life than I can comfortably mention here, but all and all, life is beautiful no matter what, and I am here to embrace and make the best out it.