Monday, January 2, 2012

Toward the Sun お日さまに向けて

A new year has come.

On New Year's Day, we (Japanese people) have more opportunities to visit shrines and temples to pray before gods. At such occasion, because the last year was especially a difficult year for many people, I cannot help to wish everyone a good health and happiness. However, no matter how much we pray, life seems to bring sorrowful events that are beyond our imaginations or expectations. Therefore, I do not pray, "God, please do not let us down. Please do not make anything bad happen." Instead, I pray, "God, I wish that it will be a joyful year for everyone. Having said that, more than anything, what I would like to ask you is your support and guidance when we encounter a challenging situation. Please remind us strength and a great sense of humor to enjoy its process to overcome, so that we can be always connected to the quiet and peaceful place at the bottom of a lake in our hearts." Since I was young, I have always imagined this "bottom of a lake." In the end and after all, I know that I would be fine no matter what as long as I can feel that bottom of a lake.

I wish that in this year, I can channel joy in both micro (details of a daily life) and macro (flow of the Universe).

The photo above was taken when I went to India for the first time at age 18. It was a sunrise at a port somewhere (Mumbai?). The view of all the clouds drifting toward the sun was just like people's sincere devotion toward gods. It struck my heart. Every time I look at this photo, it reminds me to head toward to "that place."





1 comment:

  1. Dear Akari-chan, Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring words! Happy New Year 2012!
