Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Birthday Related Photos 誕生日関係の写真

A beautiful cake I bought for my friend Mika who also had birthday in October AND myself (!)


The name of the cake was "Chocolate Harvest Torte" with brandied apricots and ground almonds.
$24 at the farmers market (gluten free)

ケーキの名前は「チョコレート ハーベスト トルテ」

One gathering I hosted at my place with all Japanese speaking friends.
We chatted, ate, drank, laughed, and did a "radio exercise" which every Japanese person would know until 2 am!!
It was so much fun.


Mika made this thin pancake like bread with asazumi (charcoaled hemp) powder. We put different kinds of vege dishes on top of it and rolled it up and ate. It was so yummy.


I received this cute birthday card from my family in Japan.
Inside, there was a message from my brother, dad, and mom.
Each one had an interesting message, reflecting their personality.
I loved them all.
I felt the distance between us added more power to their love permeating through me with a bit of homesickness and lots of happiness.


Speaking of cards, I also received this funny birthday card from my hanai mom, Alice who now lives in the mainland USA. The front cover says, "The Silent Monks of the Carthusian Monastery would like to wish you a happy birthday..."

When I read the cover, I expected what was coming.



I knew it! Blank!
I felt like I heard their silent blessings...
I laughed and laughed.
Poor monks, they must have had no idea that their pictures would end up being a cover page of a birthday card (if this photo was genuinely taken a long time ago).

Of course, there was a nice, heartfelt message on the back of this card.



If you've seen the previous blog entry, you would know what this is. One of my students drew this at home after the art lesson and gave it to me on my birthday. Thank you.


On birthday, I happened to come across with this magazine by a register at a grocery store. I don't buy magazines in the US at all, so it was rare that I bought one. It grabbed my attention as someone who loves photography.


On my birthday evening, my dance teacher Sarala and her husband Robert invited me over for dinner. I had a very delicious dish with them and their two adorable kids. I even had a piece of apple pie as desert.


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