Monday, June 24, 2013

Haleakala Full Moon Hike Summer 2013 ハレアカラフルムーンハイク2013

Photo by Heidi

Lita and I did the annual summer Haleakala fullmoon hike again!
This was my 4th year with her, and 5th time doing the fullmoom hike.
Here are blog entries about the last two times: 


It was not just any full moon, but it was the super full moon as the summer solstice just took place. We started at 9:45 pm going down the sliding sands and came up the switch back before the sunrise, an 8-hour hike.

This year, there were 10 of us who hiked together whereas last year, Lita and I did it by ourselves.
Many of them were Lita's friends from her work.
Although there were many of us, we walked at our own pace, sometimes silently.



The jacket that I loved having this year was this one called Loki jacket.
My brother Loren who lives in the mainland found it at a sale and sent it to me right before the hike.
There is a face shield hiding in the jacket as well as gloves. There is even a secret pocket!


After the sunrise, we ate breakfast, and I took a hot bath at my friend Emi's place (because I don't have a tub at home anymore). Then I fell asleep with good exhaustion and feeling of accomplishment, "We did it again!"


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ireinohi 慰霊の日

June 23rd was Ireinohi; the day the Battle of Okinawa ended on June 23rd, 1945.
Okinawans have set this date aside to remember and pray together for their family members and relatives who died during the battle.

Very recently, here on Maui, I met a Japanese lady who was an orphan of the battle. She didn't have any relative to rely on so moved to Maui as a young lady and got married here. She is in her 80's now. Meeting someone like her and listening to her stories reminded me that the war was real and not too long ago.

The U.S. arm force landed Okinawa on April 1st, 1945. For 84 days, Japan and the US battled face to face while involving innocent residents of Okinawa. It was the only land battle within Japan. It was merciless (as every war is). I try to stretch my mind to imagine what those 84 days were like... It was very likely beyond my imagination.

Still today, on this beautiful blue planet earth, we are not in lack of injustice and violence... However, all of these sad facts 'have not yet caused me to suffer the miscarriage of hope in human potential.' (I got this expression from Pat Conroy's "The Water id Wide.")

When can we fully give birth to a beautiful world? We got let love flow from within and toward one another. I believe that's what the souls who shed tears, blood and cries during those 84 days are hoping for us to do.




それから幾年も経ったというのに、この美しい青い地球上では色々な形の暴力が後を断ちません。「それでもこれらの悲しい事実によって、人間性への希望を流産し、その悲しみに浸ってはいません。(この表現はアメリカの作者、パット・コンロイの「ザ ウォーター イズ ワイド」という本に出てくるもので、それを読んだとき「あぁ、何て的を得た表現なんだろう!」と感心したもの。英語なので簡単に日本語訳させてもらったのですが。)


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cheers to Life! 人生に乾杯!

The full moon in an Alapadma
(One of the mudras of classical Indian dances; one of its meanings is fully blossomed lotus flower)

On Saturday, June 22nd at 7 pm, an idea suddenly came to me that I take myself out for a date.

I chose Casanova (since it's the closet restaurant from home) and went.
I felt a little shy to say, "Just me" when the hostess came, but I started to feel comfortable as I just sat and quietly watched families and couples enjoying themselves.

I even ordered a glass of red wine (for the 1st time in my life)!
Then a delicious salad and gnocchi. I thoroughly enjoyed the meal. As far as wine goes, after the 3rd sip, my face was hot and red as it always does whenever I drink alcohol, so I could not take it anymore (I asked the waitress to pour only a tiny bit while offering to pay the full price, but I guess that there is such rule that they have to pour 6 oz. Sorry to the wine that got wasted.)

I savored every minute of this date. I took my past diary book with me that night. I don't take it around, but I felt like reading it at the restaurant that night. When I was reading it, I noticed that June 22nd was the exact day when I met my ex-husband. In the past 5 years, a lot have happened. Fell in love, married, be divorced, struggled, suffered, and surrendered...

There I was that night, sitting tall and fully enjoying and loving myself and my life. I tenderly thought of Akari who was 5 years younger. If I could tell her anything now, there are a lot I want to tell her :), but if I have to choose one, I'd tell her that she would be all right no matter what happens (the details are for hers to experience).

At the next table, there was a young boy (about age 10) with a baseball cap enthusiastically chatting with his parents. Someday, he would fall in love and might take someone out for dinner. He might experience heartbreak. But he will overcome. And the memory will become a part of who he is. Life goes on. We are strong.

Two ladies who have passed away in the recent years visited me at my table, one by one. I have come to Casanova with both of them respectively: Autumn Leaf and Suga Kunitomo. I felt strange that their bodies did not exist in the world anymore, but I could feel them so closely. They each spoke to me gently, fondly and jokingly here and there. I felt so mighty knowing that I will always have these passed-on people's invisible yet perceivable support and love.

Yes, life goes on. A broken heart can be mended and filled again like that night's full moon.

Cheers to life!

(The photo above was taken on the way from the restaurant. I could see the full moon from where I parked my car. Then a thought occurred to me that I wanted to hold the moon in an alapadma - lotus flower. When I did that, I saw it reflected on the windshield and thought it was interesting image, so I took one.)












Friday, June 21, 2013

ArT=Mixx in June 2013 2013年6月のアートミックス

I went to the ArT=Mixx held at MACC in June.
I've been to this event twice in the past (June 2012 & July 2012).

This time, the theme was "runway." 
The fashion show was actually more sophisticated than I expected to see here on Maui.
Maui can't be despised. 



Models getting prepped.

You could design your own fashion.

It was like an extended version of a coloring sheet.
It would be a fun project for kids, too although under age cannot get in.

Naoko working hard :)

It was packed.

It was so fun to see people's attire (this person wasn't even a model or an event staff member.)

I was impressed by his handmade costume!

My friends, Emi, Naoko, and me

Sorry, Naoko, the lighting was bad.

Yay! Naoko & Yukie

With great sisters and my coconut juice!

I got to see Sarala there, too.

The last shot that concludes this blog entry is this very cool and hot couple!
(My dance teacher and her husband)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day's Thoughts 父の日に想う

Before the Father's Day, I had a Skype session with my dad who lives in Japan. For Father's Day, I sent him a key holder engraved with the numbers for his Japan address's longitude and latitude. (I got it here.) He had already received it and opened it by the time we had the Skype session, so I asked him, "Did you know what those numbers meant right away?" He answered, "Yes, we use these at work."

And through the laptop camera, I showed him around the new house I recently moved in. He knew exactly which way was south and north by just looking at the screen. I was amazed. Then he saw that the house is not built directly on the ground and said, "Oh, maybe Totoro is living under your house. You should leave one section open for them to get in and out freely." Then he saw some heavy machineries on the property (the landlord's) and said, "Oh, you can ride them and have fun." (I won't do it, though.) I don't know if he is a responsible adult or a playful chid. I think both, and I love that about him.

父の日を前に、父と久しぶりにスカイプをしました。父の日のプレゼントに、両親の家がある地点の経度と緯度の数字が彫られたキーホルダーを送りました。(マニアックと思われるかもしれないけど、そういうの父好きそうだし、お洒落なデザインだったのでね。ここでゲットしたんですよ。 )届いたらしく、「数字が何を意味するかすぐに分かった?」と聞いたら、「うん、仕事で使うからね。」とのこと。


When I was very young, my father who is an engineer and a lover of science and mathematics once told me in a serious tone of voice, "Akari, if you see a bee, just stand still as if you are a tree. Breathe like a tree and think like a tree. Then the bee won't sting you because you're a part of its environment."

Even as a child, I thought that it was an interesting advise to hear from a mouth of an engineer who was not a hippie at all, but I liked it. Ever since, I've been following his advise and have never been stung by a bee or any insect.

By the way, I'm going to digress a bit from the Father's Day story. One day, there was a bee in the shower at my new house. It was sitting on top of my shampoo. I noticed it after I turned the shower on. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were there," I said wondering how it got in there. Its wings got wet, so it couldn't fly. I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and gently picked it up and brought it outside. The bee seemed to be relieved knowing that it was returned to a familiar environment and looked as if to say, "I don't have towels, but I can dry my wings if I open them," and it sat there for a little while and then flew away. "Thank you for making honey for us, and thank you for helping flowers to bloom and fruits to be made" is what I said. I sounded like a real hippie then, but I meant it :)

And actually this story has a continuation. Since then, I saw a bee (I don't know if it was the same bee or not) for 4 consecutive days inside of my house. It appeared at different spots in the house. Each time I said, "Oh hi there" and guided it to go back to the outside world. One day, it was between a screen and a window. I opened the screen and guided it by saying, "Go a little toward left. Yup, that's right. Then go down." The bee moved as I said. It was probably coincidence, but it was fun. I wonder if the bee came to let me know that he or she was doing well.





As an adult, I began to think that my father is someone who has been fascinated with re-experiencing the nature world through science and mathematics. Like artists depict beauty of the nature through their paintings, poems, and sculpture, he used a tool called science and mathematics to express himself. As a child, when I had a real hard time doing my math homework, I asked my dad for help. He never gave me a straight answer but showed me multiple hints to get there. I often looked miserable covered in tears and runny nose as I was frustrated with myself for not understanding :) In the meanwhile, he used to say, "Math is beautiful. It is the height of simplicity." I thought, "There is no beauty! I'm covered in snot!" but I still left a room for its possibility. As I teach my second graders math now, I often think, "Dad was right." Mathematics allows us to show the complex world in such a simple way. It is like the Haiku poem. In its simplicity, various worlds are unfolding. There is romance that permits us to ponder over them.

My father was born as the youngest of 5 children into a farming family which was opposite of wealthy. He grew up growing vegetables, planting rice, and taking care of cows and goats. According to my grandma (his mom), he was a studious boy but also was considerate of family needs. Without being asked, he used to voluntarily come home early (even before school ended) when it was harvesting season and planting season and helped the family. He has been interacting with the nature world since he was small, so it is probably natural for him to develop deep respect and awe toward the nature. He taught me many things such as how to find young bamboo shoot and take it out, which snake has poison, and that I should not climb persimmon trees because their branches break easily. He is a rather quiet person and is not over friendly (I like that about him that he does not give empty compliments to people), but he loves children, and the neighbors' kids loved him; he used to play with them when he wasn't at work.

I think that he has become a very responsible adult while he maintained the pure heart of a child as he loved science and mathematics and sought something deeper beyond them. I sincerely hope to be a person like him.




Thursday, June 13, 2013

Friends Bring Friends 友は友を呼ぶ

Misaki and Nobu

In June, I had a great reunion with Misaki and met her husband, Nobu for the first time.
I met Misaki at my friend Chimiko and Geoffrey's wedding on Maui 5 years ago.

While they were staying on Maui this time, I got to hang out with them quite a bit. When I first met Misaki at the wedding, we didn't have much time to talk, but we at least found out that we were both from Kochi, Japan, and we even went to the same high school (not the same years, though). She also knew of Suga - my Japanese dance teacher who passed away.

Misaki is an interesting lady. She does many things but only things that excite her and things that help other people to find their true calling. I loved listening to her life stories and what she has been doing in the recent years. 

Her husband Nobu was such a character. He says funny things with a straight face. I first didn't know that he was joking, but then I got to know his personality and really enjoyed joking around with him. He made me laugh so much.





One time, our mutual friend Kyoko, who has been like my Maui mom since I came to Maui in 2001, invited all of us to have branch at Monsoon India, an Indian restaurant located in Kihei, south side of Maui. I had been there at dinner time but never at day time, so I was pleasantly surprised to see a nice view.


I don't know if Kyoko is fine with her age known here, so I don't reveal it this time, but I bet you would fall backward if you hear her age and see how powerful and beautiful she is today. I hope to age like her :)


I have been missing Indian food since I came back from India, so I was happy to taste it again here on Maui. I ate with my fingers just like how I did everyday while I was in India.

While Misaki vacationed on Maui, she also guided a tour for a small group of Japanese people for a short period of time. At the beginning of the tour, I danced an Odissi dance item as I prayed for their fruitful and pleasant time here on Maui. I didn't take any photo at that time, so I don't have any, but one of the tour participants, Kami-san took some and wrote such nice things about the performance at her blog (it's written only in Japanese, though). She is a make-up artist who helps women to find their true inner beauty and bring it out. She has found her calling.

In conclusion, friends have brought more friends just like a daisy chain, and I was grateful. Meeting awesome friends is indeed wonderful!




Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Books I Read Recently 最近読んだ本

Sometimes, I truly miss reading Japanese books.
I mean I have Japanese books at home here on Maui, but I want to read Japanese books I haven't read yet. The urge comes over me like feeling some insufficient vitamin in my body.
Recently, I was lucky to get some books from my Japanese friends who live on Maui. 


"Gokuraku Maui no Kurashikata" by Yoshie Minami
This book tells readers how to comfortably live on Maui.
I happened to find this book at a book store in Japan right before I moved to Maui (which was 12 years ago). I did not know anything about Maui, so I thought, "I better buy this" and read every single page until I could almost make a hole through the book with my eyes. Some information is old now, but the book reminds me of myself who was nervously yet courageously trying to step into the unknown world.


"Pundareeka" by Yoshie Asano
This book is about misogi (purification of body, mind, and soul through water ablution).
A serious truth seeing journey is always beautiful.
This book made me want to do misogi.

プンダリーカ」 浅野佳枝

"Byouki ni naranai ikikata" by Hiromi Shinya
This book tells you how to live without any illness.
It was fascinating.


by Dr. Robert C. Fulford & Gene Stone
I love how it reminded me to have faith in the body's natural healing ability.

いのちの輝き」 ロバート・C. フルフォード&ジーン ストーン
上野 圭一 (翻訳) 

"Futottan denaino!?" by Fumi Dan & Sawako Agawa
This was hilarious. I laughed so hard.
It's not just funny, but I was very much impressed by these two ladies (they are actresses in Japan)' writing skill. They are both daughters of two great writers. I wonder if their writing skill was excelled by their upbringing... Well, it could be their natural gift or sincere effort or both.

太ったんでないのッ!?」 檀ふみ&阿川佐和子

"Kinyoubi no Pari" by Touko Amamiya
Touko Amamiya was a well established newscaster in Japan, but she left everything behind and went to Paris to create her new life there. Since I've also moved out of Japan and have been living in a foreign country, there were many things with that I could resonate.

金曜日のパリ」 雨宮塔子

"Kodoku de Yasashi Yoru" by Kei Yuikawa
It is a love story and is about a woman finding her own life.
It made me think that it's better to live honestly and courageously and say what I think and feel.


"Syokudo Katatsumuri" by Ito Ogawa
Rinko lost almost everything including her own voice, but she had cooking and her mother.
I thought, "I want to live like Rinko. Even though she lost everything, she found the sparkle left in her and kept her eyes on it and turned it into a spark and a steady flame eventually."

食堂かたつむり」 小川糸

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Random Photos of June 6月のランダム写真

Souls crossing over...
Now you're everywhere. 


When I had a tough day, I was reminded that how cooking can be such a healing activity. (I also just moved to a new place recently, and my kitchen was not quite set up to fully cook, so I was happy to have a fully functioning kitchen again. I now feel my house is really "home" now.)


One of my close friends gave birth to her first baby at 10:56 am on June 8th. It was a girl.
I made vege soup and brought it to her. 
I found myself cooking more sincerely and with care when I knew that the food would get into the brand new life through breast milk.


My dance teacher's kids (age 9 and 3.5) and I baked cookies. They were non-gluten and not too sweet. They loved them.

Here is the recipe (I got this from Kaori Mizuno).
Ingredients A:
garbanzo bean flour - 1 cup
rice flour - 1 cup
shredded dried coconut - 1 cup
baking powder - 1 table spoon

Ingredients B:
agave syrup - 1/4 cup
unsalted butter - 1/4 cup (I think less is fine)
coconut oil - 1/4 cup salt
some vanilla essence (optional)

Heat the oven to 350F. Mix the above ingredients separately (in two bowls). After each bowl gets mixed thoroughly, mix the two bowls. Let it rest in a refrigerator for 15 minutes. Take it out and make a ball and flatten and place them on a cooking sheet. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes.


My daily view. What can I say?


Sy and Yasi attended a week long swimming class, and I took them there one day.
Look at this cute munchkin.


This was my first cappuccino of life while I was organizing my notes and head at my favorite cafe. I felt like a grown-up. (Well, I'm well in to a "grown up" age, though.) I had been curious to feel the white fluffy part. I don't know if it was my very first cappuccino of life did it or not, but I was fully awake until 1:00 am that night. I guess I better stay away from it or drink it in the morning.


One day in June, Naoko and I went surf on the west side.
It was a quite windy day, but we had fun anyway.


My first Macaron of life.
In June, I had a couple of virgin experiences.
I think that life can be so much fun at any age.


Shiratama (like mochi) made by Naoko. 
We sprinkled kinako (soybean flour) and ate them.


I found this very lovely package by the door one day.
It was from my neighbor Lisa :)


I gave cookies to my friend Yako's kids, and I guess the older boy really liked them and gave me this thank you card. How cute!


Good morning, Haleakala! I love you!


What I got from the farmers market one Saturday.
I ate them all quickly.


This road is one of my favorite roads to take on Maui - Haliimaile Road.


I think that this road continues to the rainbow.


One night in June, Sarala, Vanessa (our friend who is a great dancer), Vanessa's friend Amelia (she is also a dancer), and I went to see a show called Cotton Club at the historic Iao Theater in Wailuku. We got to enjoy a high quality jazz music at live, and when I found out that all the singers and musicians are residents of Maui, I thought, "Oh Maui, you never cease to surprise me." 

There were also great dance performances by three gorgeous sisters: Sunny, Gentry, and Galyn, and another sister Tagi was a stage manager. And their mother Gwyn Gorg was one of the producers/directors of the show. I used to take Sunny's classes when she lived here, and I've known her sisters and mom, so I enjoyed the show even more knowing them personally.



Here is a radio interview of the show.

Sy, Yasi, and I were on a roll to a baking business :)
We baked carrot cake (non gluten and non sugar although none of us have gluten allergy.). Again, the recipe came from Kaori Mizuno. She is an amazing cook!

Ingredients A:
rice flour 30g
brown rice flour 30g
tapioca flour 10g
baking powder 5g
cinnamon powder 4g
nutmeg powder 1g

dates 40g
raisins 30g
(can be walnuts, prune, cashew nuts, or fig)

carrots 180g
almond 50g
jaggery 75cc (can be maple syrup)
oil (oils extracted from nuts are better, but sesame oil or rapeseed oil is fine) 75cc
salt a little

For frosting:
1 tofu (you have to drain tofu; here is how)
maple syrup 4 table spoon
vanilla essence
shredded coconuts 
goji berries or pumpkin seeds (anything to decorate on top)

Preheat oven to 330 to 350 degrees F. 
Mix the ingredients A in a separate bowl.
Put almonds in a food processor and chop them finely and then add carrots.
Add maple syrup and oil in the food processor and mix.
Put it in the bowl with ingredients A and mix.
Add dried fruits.
Coat a container with oil and pout all the ingredients in and flatten it.
Bake it in the oven for 20-30 minutes until nothing sticks to a stick.
Take it out and cool it off.

To make the frosting:
Put tofu in a food processor and slowly pour maple syrup as you mix the tofu.
Add vanilla essence and salt and mix.

Spread the frosting over the cake and sprinkle shredded coconut and decorate with goji berries or pumpkin seeds or anything you like.


It came out really nice.
I enjoyed it very much. The tofu frosting was the bomb!


Leaves eaten by some kind of bugs. But even this was art. Nature is amazing. 

虫さんに食べられちゃってた葉。でもその状態すらアートでした。 自然はすごいね。

I love combination of white, blue, and green.



These double rainbows make me think that anything is possible.


Can you tell what I am making?

Oh, it's getting a bit solidified.

The answer was Warabimochi!