Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Letter I Wrote at Age 19 19歳の時に書いた手紙

Akari - about 4 hours old
私 生まれて4時間くらい
Speaking of birthdays, I found a letter I wrote when I turned 19. It was about a month after I moved to Maui alone without speaking English. I was attending the Maui Language Institute at that time, and despite of my poor English skill, I was compelled to write this letter both in Japanese and English, so I tried :) I would say that it was a brave attempt :) The grammar is not perfect, but I paste it below without correction.


Dear Friend,

I thought, “Well, what is a birthday?” I have just celebrated my birthday with my family and friends, and I have not been to thank for that I was born in this world and grew up healthy.

This year’s birthday is the first time that I spent without my family, so I thought, “This is a good opportunity to spend time by myself.” Of course it is also nice if I have a birthday party with many people, but I chose to spend my birthday by myself.

Mother and father, thank you for giving birth to me. You showed me your love for 19 years. I have a wonderful family. I am proud of you, and I am proud of myself, Akari Ueoka, who is your child ^-^. Thank you for bringing me up to be such a nice person. (It is a joke.) You have a talent for bringing up children. I love myself. It is important to love myself in life. Thank you for teaching me that. Michimasa, my younger brother, I am very happy that I am your sister, and that you are my brother. Thank you.

I have lived for just 19 years, but I have had many things, and I have met many people. They gave me lots of love. Therefore, I would like to give my gratitude to them.

In the early morning of the 27th, I went to La Perous Bay in order to snorkel and to meet dolphins. I meditated, and I entered the ocean. There were neither winds nor waves; it was a silent ocean. When I swam many thoughts and ideas came up and faded out, came up and faded out...It repeated, and my mind was gradually calming down, and then there was nothing. It was comfortable. I liked that time. Afterwards, I went back to the seashore, and I let my body flat with the wave while holding my knees. Some fishes swam. The sunshine came into the ocean, and it made many pillars of light. “Wow it’s so nice,” I thought. I did not know how long I spent there. I heard only my breath, and I felt something. Although, I did not know what it was that felt. I had many questions “ I am here now?” “I am I, but who are you?” “Where is a border of me? And where are you from?” “ I should always see, but why cannot I always see?”

I sat on a rock after I got out of the ocean, and I just saw the ocean for a while. My mind was clear.

I ate a lunch, and I bought a cookie like a cake. It was birthday cake for me.

In the evening, I went to Haleakala in order to see the sun set. It was a sunny day, and there was a rainbow, but the sky got gradually clouded over and got foggy when I arrived at the mountaintop. I got out of the car, and it was so humid that it seems I entered the water. The cool air I wore as a jacket. My breath went around my whole body. I could not spend a lot of time up there, for the rain fell. However, I had a good and silent time.

My birthday plans were met at La Perous Bay and Haleakala. I could not meet dolphins and could not see the sun set in the end. However, I had no discontent. Rather, I felt full of blessings. I think the reason is that many people who live near or far from me sent many blessing. We can send or receive prayers regardless of time or distance. And moreover, I could face me, and my heart was full of gratitude. There is a relation between the two places, it is the water. I felt as if I was reborn from the womb.

I am happy because I could meet you. I want to say many thanks. I pray that you always be with your light.

Thank you God, thank you for today.  Thank you for a heart that is able to know how loved I am by everyone and everything. Please lead me in your way.

Akari Ueoka

P.S. It is difficult for me that write an English letter, so I was helped by my teacher. Thank you teacher for kindness teaching.

-------------------------- Japanese --------------------- 





おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんから見たら、まだ1/4世紀を生きただけの若造なんだろうなぁと思います。それでもこの19年間色々ありました。その間に出会ってきた人は たくさんです。その方々に私はたくさんの愛をもらいました。そうして今の私があります。その方々一人一人に、手を合わせられますように。

今日は、まず朝は、家から一時間と少しのところにある、イルカの来る海へ早起きをして行ってきました。簡単なメディテーション(瞑想)をして海に入りました。イルカさんたちと会うことはできなかったのですが、シュノーケルを着けて(つけて)ただ黙々と泳ぎました。今日は波もなく、風もなく、静かな静かな海でした。泳いでいると色々な考えが、波の泡のように浮かんでは消え、浮かんでは消えの繰り返しで、そのうちにただ「泳いでいる自分」がそこにいて、何も考えていない、無のような時があって、それがとても気持ちよかったです。しばらくそうしてから陸の近くまで戻ってきて、今度はひざを抱えて丸まって、ただ波に身を任せて揺られてみました。眼下では魚さんたちがそれぞれに泳いでいました。太陽の光が射してそれらが何本もの光の柱となって、海の中に射しこんでいて、きれいだなぁとか思いつつ、またボーっとしていました。どれくらいそうしていたのか分かりません。自分の息の音だけが聞こえて、そのうちに何て言う名前の気持ちなのか分からないのですが、不思議な気持ちになってきて、「私が今ここにいるということ・・・」、「私は私で、でもあなたは誰?」、「どこからどこまでが“わたし”なのだろう、そしてあそこの“わたし”はどこから来るのかな、いつも見てなきゃいけないところだろうに、どうしていつも見ることができないのかな。」 ―しばらくそうしていました。陸に上がってからも海を見てボーっとしていました。今日はとてもボーっとしました。よくあんなに“ボー”に集中できたなぁと思う程でした(笑)。そうして気持ちはすっきりしたものでした。  







Tuesday, October 30, 2012

30th Birthday 30歳の誕生日

Photo and art work by Richard Marks
"Galactic Swimmer Series"
One of my birthday gifts!

On October 27th, I welcomed my 30th birthday.
It was a wonderful day as any other day in a year.
I went to work and saw my dear students.


One boy gave me this drawing as soon as he walked
in the classroom in the morning. "Miss Akari,
this is for you. I drew this at home. Happy Birthday."
"Chocolate cake" made by Yasmina and Lucy (neighbor's kids)

After school, I had a very wonderful talk with my friend.
Then, I went to the top of Haleakala by myself as usual.


Haleakala was clear. No clouds.
I felt it was saying, "Come, come."

The moon was almost full.

There was no one, no single cloud, no wind, but there was a huge crater, the moon, me, and God. I greeted Suga, Kouji, and Kobacchi (where we scattered their ashes). I was expressing my year worth of appreciation, and an hour and half passed so quickly. I truly felt how much I am loved by this world. The feeling circulated throughout my body and came out as tears. I could not stop crying. I probably looked really wired, but I didn't care. There was no one, and it was my birthday. This is my birthday ritual, and my favorite way to spend it.


Yay. Akari just made 30 at this moment.

I was curious to see how I spent my past birthdays, so I looked them up. I started writing my blog in 2006, so I could trace back 6 years. Here they are...


Monday, October 29, 2012

Emancipate 解き放つ

If you know me, you probably have some idea how uncomfortable I can be to invite people to my birthday party.

Well, I did it (with friends' help) for the first time! I did it because I was turning 30 and wanted to set some challenge for myself to overcome. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone. Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."  So I said to myself, "Let me try something new and see what would come out of it."

My very first cake with my name on it!
I thought I was supposed to prepare the cake, but my friends
Yako and Fusayo said, "No way!"
They ordered my favorite raspberry chocolate cake from
Mana Foods! What a great gift!


Also, I thought that this would be a good opportunity to make peace with the voice in my head which I've been hearing since I was quite young. The voice would say things like, "Who do you think you are?" "You're not good enough to invite people." "You don't deserve it." I've done some serious work on this for the past years, and the voice has been dissolving more and more, but a bit of was still there, so I wanted to give it the last gentle push to say, "Thank you for protecting me all these years, but you don't have to do that anymore. I'm big and strong now. You can go now."

I thought that this birthday party would be a good way to emancipate that part of me.

And it was.
With Monkey Naoko.

I was surrounded by love and was able to allow myself to soak up the love.
The proof? Here you go: AKARI'S 30TH BIRTHDAY.
My wonderful friend, Richard Marks took these photos and made a slide show within 14 hours since he left the party... I did not invite him for this purpose of course; it was such a wonderful gift.

You would see people holding candles in this slide show and may wonder why. It is because my name Akari means light in Japanese. It is a soft light, not so bright - like a candle light. In Japan, we have three different types of "alphabets." Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji (Chinese characters) are those three. My name can be written in any of these. In Kanji, my name has 3 characters. The character for "A" (安) means peace. The character for "Ka" (佳) means goodness. The character for "Ri" (里) means hometown or birthplace - where we come from. My parents named me to wish that I would grow into a light who could remind people the peaceful, good, home where we all came from. It is a beautiful wish, and I remember hearing this when I was young, and I felt my heart trembled feeling a deep honor and appreciation. Also, my last name Ueoka means "up hill." I assume that my ancestors lived somewhere on top of a hill. As a whole, my name means "light on top of a hill."

On my birthday, I wanted to honor my parents by holding what they named me after. Without them, I would not be here. I also wanted to honor my Maui family who have been here for me for the past 11 years. Without them, I would not be here, either.

The candles represented the light within each person. Everyone carries the light and let it shine so beautifully in his/her own unique way. I love that. When we come together, we can brighten the world and share the warmth with one another. Personally, the past year was particularly challenging for me. But each time when my candle flame was about to be put out, someone came. Someone rekindled the light for me, so that I could go on. For that, I am deeply, deeply grateful. I hope that my friends know that I am here for them whenever they need a little help on igniting their "flame" again.

I love you all with all of my heart.

-------------------------- Japanese --------------------------

A really yummy cake my friend baked for me



Flowers as gifts




証拠?ここにありますよ。「AKARI'S 30TH BIRTHDAY。」友人のリチャード・マークスさんが撮ってスライドショーにしてくださいました。しかも「バイバ〜イ」って帰って行った14時間後には出来ていました。もちろんそのために呼んだのではないのですけど、素晴らしいプレゼントでした。



I've been receiving lots of coconut oils lately.
I guess that's what I should use on my body now :)



Sunday, October 28, 2012

2012 October Jaws

I get courage and inspiration whenever I watch this.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Moments of Joy 喜びの瞬間

When I find colors, I bliss myself out.

Clouds and flowers sharing an element.

Miso is done.
(Refer this posting for making miso for the first time in my life :) )


Because you are always there for me, there is no darkness that can scare me away. 


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Annapurna Farm's Tea アンナプルナ農園のお茶



〒861-1441 熊本県菊池市木護
電話 0968-27-0212

I met Ravi Masaki this past summer.
She has become a special friend.
Her parents run a farm called Annapurna Farm in Kumamoto, Japan.

They grow tea without using any chemical, pesticide, or herbicide.
I suggest that you check out their delicious tea!

Annapurna Farm
Kigo, Kikuchi-shi, Kumamoto-ken 861-1441 JAPAN
Tel: +81-0968-27-0212

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Break 秋休み

At the end of September, I caught a cold. My students were nicely taking turns to have fever... so I was being careful, yet my turn did come... It was the first cold of this school year. The first night was pretty nasty with fever and massive headache, but the next morning, the fever was down. Whenever I catch a cold, I like to go to this Thai food restaurant in Haiku (built with an old school bus). I love their hot, spicy coconut soup with tofu in it. This soup helps me to get better.


I saw this foliage plant. Its packed juiciness caught my attention.


Report card envelops...

Although I was sick, I had to make the first quarter's report cards for my students...
As a novice teacher, it took me all day to collect evidence, correct them, organize, analyze, contemplate, grade, enter, and write comments. Thought it took all day, It is getting more efficient compared to my first year of teaching :) Experiences do help.


Sometimes I think, "Oh, I am a teacher!" 


I went through each folder in my drawers
(I have 6 file cabinets, and 2 are now empty).

Then the first week of October was the fall break, so I did not have school to teach. I recovered from the cold, so I focused on organizing and cleaning my house as well as many other projects that I cannot get around when I teach everyday. I also ended up going to my classroom twice just because I wanted to get some of the projects done. Yet I got to have 3 private lessons with Sarala and surfed twice, so it was a good fall break overall.



I could make time to have my hair cut, too. There is a cute barbar shop at a walking-distance from my home. Walk-in is welcome. My hair was already wet from shower, so I skipped the shampoo step. I need to keep a certain length for the Odissi dance, but it was getting too long and heavy, and the end had some split hair, so I wanted to cut.


Although I cut 3 inches, no one noticed :)

I watch my dance teacher's children once a week. One time, I took them to the Ho`okipa Beach.  They were having so much fun and did not want to go home.


Toward the end of fall break, I had my first anaphylaxis. First I noticed some red dots on my skin after an early morning surf-session. I thought that they would go away soon. That night, while I was having my dinner, the throat started to tighten, the internal mouth (gum) got numb, and hivers covered the entier body including the bottom of my feet. I don't know what allergen was yet, but I will find out.

The next morning, my lips were swollen, and the hives were more intense. I felt as if the whole skin was generating heat. I saw my regular acupuncturist and got Chinese medicine. I also saw a doctor and received a western medicine just in case.  



In any midst of difficulty, if I look around,
I see beauty smiling at me.
(I saw this hibiscus in the doctor's yard.)

My throat and mouth were all fine, but the most challenging thing was to have hives on the bottom of my feet. I had never had hives there. It was soar to walk on them, so I had to crawl. The best part of such circumstance was to snuggle with this boy (my dance teacher's son). It melted my heart. Children have such power - especially this one and his sister.


He seems to like to go here.

The fourth day, I could stand a bit. 

On the 6th day, they were gone, and I could finally dance.

I think that it was my detoxification process. In that sense, I am grateful for my body to have ability and power to get rid of things, and I need to think how I was toxifying myself. It is a great feeling to be able to stand on the mother earth with my own feet - being grounded.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Photos of September 9月の写真

When colors find me, I feel ticklish. Then I like how the subtle excitement falls into the back of my throat and then into my heart. 


I think I love colors.


These are my new English vocabulary I learned. Whenever I hear or see a new word I do not know, I write it down (both English and Japanese). I love learning new words; they help me to articulate and taste experiences more deeply. It's like learning new dance steps.


I am letting my students use my old digital camera to take photos during recesses. I told them that I love photography, and photography is one type of art. I want them to feel the joy of capturing thousands of words in one picture. Also, I get to see what they're seeing in their world' it's fun for me, too. This one was taken by a girl. Just picturing in my head how this girl was taking this shot makes me feel something tender in my throat. 


In August and September, I had a lovely girl named Sumomo from Japan in my class. Her parents are professional windsurfers. (Here is Motoko's official website.) Although I've been living on Maui which is the mecca for windsurfers, I had never tried it (I've done kite surfing), so I boldly asked them if I could get a lesson. Here is Motoko's blog where you can see photos of me trying. I thought, "Wow, this is so fun and is deep!" just like anything. Whether it is sports, arts or whatever it is, everything has its own depth and requires lots and lots of practice to get good at it. This experience has become one of my highlighted memories of Maui. Thank you to Motoko-san, Sumomo, and Hide-papa. I love Sumomo's smile!!


In September, my students and I had our very first field trip to Hawaii Nature Center in Iao Valley. I was appreciating Maui again as I thought about the fact that we can easily access nature like this.


Happy, Happy Birthday to a very dear friend, Mika! She has lived a half century with all her soul! I'm looking forward to making more memories with you, Mika-san!!


At her birthday party, I was asked to dance an Odissi dance piece to celebrate the new chapter of her life. It is always my honor to dance for people, especially for friends.


Before the dance

A coconut my friend gave me... Yum!

I have a 500GB harddrive, and that's where I am keeping all my files, but I thought that it is probably safer to have another harddrive and have two just in case, so I bought Western Digital's "My Passport" 1TB for $84.99 at I also bought a case.

500GBのハードドライブを持っており、そこに全部のファイルを保存しているのですが、もう1つ所持して2つある方が安全かなと思い、1TBのものを買いました。My PassportというWestern Digital社の作ったもの。Amzon.comで$84.99でした。ケースも買っておきました。

I love looking at the license plates in America. This one says, "WHYGAS." I think it was perfect fo this Nissan's Leaf (electric car).

アメリカでは車のナンバープレートの文字を、お金を出すと自分の考えたものに出来るので、色々と見ていると面白いのが見つかります。これは「Why Gas」って。直訳だと「何でガソリン?」日産のリーフという電気自動車にぴったりのナンバープレートですな。

I found this little mail box in the building of my regular chiropractor's office. Whenever I find something like this, I cannot help to be very curious like a little child. My mind goes, "Who is on the other side?" "Where does this connect to?" I wonder this is one reason why I like to work with children...?


When I was going through my book shelf at home to downsize, I found these books. I took photos before I let them go (so I can remember if I want to).


昭和二十年八月九日、ソ連参戦の夜、満州新京の観象台官舎 。夫と引き裂かれた妻と愛児三人の、言語に絶する脱出行がここから始まった。敗戦下の悲運に耐えて生き抜いた一人の女性の、苦難と愛情の厳粛な記録。戦後空前の大ベストセラーとなり、夫・新田次郎氏に作家として立つことを決心させた、壮絶なノンフィクション。

I loved his book and read over and over when I was in high school. 
"The Legacy of Luna" by Julia Butterfly Hill.


I know it's old, but this book was my "bible" for awhile.
When I learned how to use a computer for the first time in 2001, I met Excel. I was so amazed and thought, "Wow, I had no idea that something this useful had existed!!" I read every corner of this book and tried new tricks on my own. (Maybe I'm more nerd than I knew!)
