Speaking of birthdays, I found a letter I wrote when I turned 19. It was about a month after I moved to Maui alone without speaking English. I was attending the Maui Language Institute at that time, and despite of my poor English skill, I was compelled to write this letter both in Japanese and English, so I tried :) I would say that it was a brave attempt :) The grammar is not perfect, but I paste it below without correction.
Dear Friend,
I thought, “Well, what is a birthday?” I have just celebrated my birthday with my family and friends, and I have not been to thank for that I was born in this world and grew up healthy.
This year’s birthday is the first time that I spent without my family, so I thought, “This is a good opportunity to spend time by myself.” Of course it is also nice if I have a birthday party with many people, but I chose to spend my birthday by myself.
Mother and father, thank you for giving birth to me. You showed me your love for 19 years. I have a wonderful family. I am proud of you, and I am proud of myself, Akari Ueoka, who is your child ^-^. Thank you for bringing me up to be such a nice person. (It is a joke.) You have a talent for bringing up children. I love myself. It is important to love myself in life. Thank you for teaching me that. Michimasa, my younger brother, I am very happy that I am your sister, and that you are my brother. Thank you.
I have lived for just 19 years, but I have had many things, and I have met many people. They gave me lots of love. Therefore, I would like to give my gratitude to them.
In the early morning of the 27th, I went to La Perous Bay in order to snorkel and to meet dolphins. I meditated, and I entered the ocean. There were neither winds nor waves; it was a silent ocean. When I swam many thoughts and ideas came up and faded out, came up and faded out...It repeated, and my mind was gradually calming down, and then there was nothing. It was comfortable. I liked that time. Afterwards, I went back to the seashore, and I let my body flat with the wave while holding my knees. Some fishes swam. The sunshine came into the ocean, and it made many pillars of light. “Wow it’s so nice,” I thought. I did not know how long I spent there. I heard only my breath, and I felt something. Although, I did not know what it was that felt. I had many questions “ I am here now?” “I am I, but who are you?” “Where is a border of me? And where are you from?” “ I should always see, but why cannot I always see?”
I sat on a rock after I got out of the ocean, and I just saw the ocean for a while. My mind was clear.
I ate a lunch, and I bought a cookie like a cake. It was birthday cake for me.
In the evening, I went to Haleakala in order to see the sun set. It was a sunny day, and there was a rainbow, but the sky got gradually clouded over and got foggy when I arrived at the mountaintop. I got out of the car, and it was so humid that it seems I entered the water. The cool air I wore as a jacket. My breath went around my whole body. I could not spend a lot of time up there, for the rain fell. However, I had a good and silent time.
My birthday plans were met at La Perous Bay and Haleakala. I could not meet dolphins and could not see the sun set in the end. However, I had no discontent. Rather, I felt full of blessings. I think the reason is that many people who live near or far from me sent many blessing. We can send or receive prayers regardless of time or distance. And moreover, I could face me, and my heart was full of gratitude. There is a relation between the two places, it is the water. I felt as if I was reborn from the womb.
I am happy because I could meet you. I want to say many thanks. I pray that you always be with your light.
Thank you God, thank you for today. Thank you for a heart that is able to know how loved I am by everyone and everything. Please lead me in your way.
Akari Ueoka
P.S. It is difficult for me that write an English letter, so I was helped by my teacher. Thank you teacher for kindness teaching.
-------------------------- Japanese ---------------------
おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんから見たら、まだ1/4世紀を生きただけの若造なんだろうなぁと思います。それでもこの19年間色々ありました。その間に出会ってきた人は たくさんです。その方々に私はたくさんの愛をもらいました。そうして今の私があります。その方々一人一人に、手を合わせられますように。
今日は、まず朝は、家から一時間と少しのところにある、イルカの来る海へ早起きをして行ってきました。簡単なメディテーション(瞑想)をして海に入りました。イルカさんたちと会うことはできなかったのですが、シュノーケルを着けて(つけて)ただ黙々と泳ぎました。今日は波もなく、風もなく、静かな静かな海でした。泳いでいると色々な考えが、波の泡のように浮かんでは消え、浮かんでは消えの繰り返しで、そのうちにただ「泳いでいる自分」がそこにいて、何も考えていない、無のような時があって、それがとても気持ちよかったです。しばらくそうしてから陸の近くまで戻ってきて、今度はひざを抱えて丸まって、ただ波に身を任せて揺られてみました。眼下では魚さんたちがそれぞれに泳いでいました。太陽の光が射してそれらが何本もの光の柱となって、海の中に射しこんでいて、きれいだなぁとか思いつつ、またボーっとしていました。どれくらいそうしていたのか分かりません。自分の息の音だけが聞こえて、そのうちに何て言う名前の気持ちなのか分からないのですが、不思議な気持ちになってきて、「私が今ここにいるということ・・・」、「私は私で、でもあなたは誰?」、「どこからどこまでが“わたし”なのだろう、そしてあそこの“わたし”はどこから来るのかな、いつも見てなきゃいけないところだろうに、どうしていつも見ることができないのかな。」 ―しばらくそうしていました。陸に上がってからも海を見てボーっとしていました。今日はとてもボーっとしました。よくあんなに“ボー”に集中できたなぁと思う程でした(笑)。そうして気持ちはすっきりしたものでした。
Dear Friend,
I thought, “Well, what is a birthday?” I have just celebrated my birthday with my family and friends, and I have not been to thank for that I was born in this world and grew up healthy.
This year’s birthday is the first time that I spent without my family, so I thought, “This is a good opportunity to spend time by myself.” Of course it is also nice if I have a birthday party with many people, but I chose to spend my birthday by myself.
Mother and father, thank you for giving birth to me. You showed me your love for 19 years. I have a wonderful family. I am proud of you, and I am proud of myself, Akari Ueoka, who is your child ^-^. Thank you for bringing me up to be such a nice person. (It is a joke.) You have a talent for bringing up children. I love myself. It is important to love myself in life. Thank you for teaching me that. Michimasa, my younger brother, I am very happy that I am your sister, and that you are my brother. Thank you.
I have lived for just 19 years, but I have had many things, and I have met many people. They gave me lots of love. Therefore, I would like to give my gratitude to them.
In the early morning of the 27th, I went to La Perous Bay in order to snorkel and to meet dolphins. I meditated, and I entered the ocean. There were neither winds nor waves; it was a silent ocean. When I swam many thoughts and ideas came up and faded out, came up and faded out...It repeated, and my mind was gradually calming down, and then there was nothing. It was comfortable. I liked that time. Afterwards, I went back to the seashore, and I let my body flat with the wave while holding my knees. Some fishes swam. The sunshine came into the ocean, and it made many pillars of light. “Wow it’s so nice,” I thought. I did not know how long I spent there. I heard only my breath, and I felt something. Although, I did not know what it was that felt. I had many questions “ I am here now?” “I am I, but who are you?” “Where is a border of me? And where are you from?” “ I should always see, but why cannot I always see?”
I sat on a rock after I got out of the ocean, and I just saw the ocean for a while. My mind was clear.
I ate a lunch, and I bought a cookie like a cake. It was birthday cake for me.
In the evening, I went to Haleakala in order to see the sun set. It was a sunny day, and there was a rainbow, but the sky got gradually clouded over and got foggy when I arrived at the mountaintop. I got out of the car, and it was so humid that it seems I entered the water. The cool air I wore as a jacket. My breath went around my whole body. I could not spend a lot of time up there, for the rain fell. However, I had a good and silent time.
My birthday plans were met at La Perous Bay and Haleakala. I could not meet dolphins and could not see the sun set in the end. However, I had no discontent. Rather, I felt full of blessings. I think the reason is that many people who live near or far from me sent many blessing. We can send or receive prayers regardless of time or distance. And moreover, I could face me, and my heart was full of gratitude. There is a relation between the two places, it is the water. I felt as if I was reborn from the womb.
I am happy because I could meet you. I want to say many thanks. I pray that you always be with your light.
Thank you God, thank you for today. Thank you for a heart that is able to know how loved I am by everyone and everything. Please lead me in your way.
Akari Ueoka
P.S. It is difficult for me that write an English letter, so I was helped by my teacher. Thank you teacher for kindness teaching.
-------------------------- Japanese ---------------------
おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんから見たら、まだ1/4世紀を生きただけの若造なんだろうなぁと思います。それでもこの19年間色々ありました。その間に出会ってきた人は たくさんです。その方々に私はたくさんの愛をもらいました。そうして今の私があります。その方々一人一人に、手を合わせられますように。
今日は、まず朝は、家から一時間と少しのところにある、イルカの来る海へ早起きをして行ってきました。簡単なメディテーション(瞑想)をして海に入りました。イルカさんたちと会うことはできなかったのですが、シュノーケルを着けて(つけて)ただ黙々と泳ぎました。今日は波もなく、風もなく、静かな静かな海でした。泳いでいると色々な考えが、波の泡のように浮かんでは消え、浮かんでは消えの繰り返しで、そのうちにただ「泳いでいる自分」がそこにいて、何も考えていない、無のような時があって、それがとても気持ちよかったです。しばらくそうしてから陸の近くまで戻ってきて、今度はひざを抱えて丸まって、ただ波に身を任せて揺られてみました。眼下では魚さんたちがそれぞれに泳いでいました。太陽の光が射してそれらが何本もの光の柱となって、海の中に射しこんでいて、きれいだなぁとか思いつつ、またボーっとしていました。どれくらいそうしていたのか分かりません。自分の息の音だけが聞こえて、そのうちに何て言う名前の気持ちなのか分からないのですが、不思議な気持ちになってきて、「私が今ここにいるということ・・・」、「私は私で、でもあなたは誰?」、「どこからどこまでが“わたし”なのだろう、そしてあそこの“わたし”はどこから来るのかな、いつも見てなきゃいけないところだろうに、どうしていつも見ることができないのかな。」 ―しばらくそうしていました。陸に上がってからも海を見てボーっとしていました。今日はとてもボーっとしました。よくあんなに“ボー”に集中できたなぁと思う程でした(笑)。そうして気持ちはすっきりしたものでした。