Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Some Photos from November 11月のランダム写真

Making a fort using blankets.
I used to do that often when I was a child.


A classic shot of a child "hiding."
I was counting up to 10 right near him.
When I finished counting and turned around, there he was.
I could not help to laugh and laugh and then smile.


Speaking of Sy, he turned 3 in November. I've been living in the same house since he was in mommy's tummy, so he does not know a life without me living in the downstairs. It's kind of interesting to think that way. I created a special gift for him, but I also found this cute wallet with cars and could not help to buy it for him since he is such a big fan of cars.


And speaking of people who are not blood related but like family, Loren is the first one I think of. If you've read my past blogs, you probably know that Loren and I dated for 3 and half years. During those years, we took care of his grandmother, Grandma Elsie at home. We are truly like a brother and a sister now, and in a sense of going through a really tough time (taking care of Grandma) together, we're like the survivors of a battle who fought back to back. He has moved to the mainland and works there now, but he comes back to Maui once or twice a year, so I got to see him and had a dinner with him. I really appreciate his presence in my life - he is someone who always supports me from afar and near.

血は繋がっていないけど、家族のような人と言えば この人。ローレン。私の過去のブログを読まれた方はご存知かと思いますが、ローレンとは過去に3年半間付き合っていました。その間彼のエルシーおばあちゃんを一緒に在宅介護していました。今は本当に兄と妹のような関係になって、本当に大変な時期を一緒に過ごしてきたという意味では言ってみれば戦友のような。彼はアメリカ本土に引っ越しまして、今はそちらで働いていますが、マウイには年に1度か2度ほど戻ってくるので、この前戻ってきたときに、一緒にご飯食べてきました。いつもいつも遠くからではあるけど支えてくれている彼の存在を本当に有り難く思います。

I saw these lights in the ceiling of the restaurant where we ate.

This is a view from the 6th floor of a building that is probably the tallest building on Maui.


I found this cute car.
I would not do that to my car, but I liked its playfulness.


Do you have any idea what these are?
They are packing materials. It was my first time to see something like these.
When I ordered something on the Internet, the item was shipped in this. I loved them as they were made out of paper, not Styrofoam which will not decompose back to the earth for hundreds of years.


But I wondered if someone has built each one of these??
A boy in my class asked me if he could take these home, so I said yes.
I wonder what he did with them :)


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