When I rode a train again, a friend of mine bought me this beautifully smelling and looking flower bracelet. When I ride a train, I see many people who come in to a train compartment to sell things, such as toys, flower accessories, necklace, earrings, and food. Those people who sell the items do not seem to be wealthy (from my observation of what they are wearing). When this lady with a young girl came in to sell the flower bracelets, no one was paying attention first, but my friend bought one for me as a memory of India, and then all the ladies around us started to buy them (we were in the ladies' compartment). With some good sales, when the flower lady was about to move onto the next train compartment, she subtly and quietly placed another flower bracelet in my hand. I looked up wondering if we have bought another one or not, and she smiled. My friend said, "She is giving it to you." She was not asking for money. She was giving it to me maybe as a "thank you" for initializing the sales, but it was not me; it was my friend who bought the first one. But she probably knew that my friend was buying it for me, and I was visiting from a foreign country, and she probably wanted to give it to me as a gift for my India trip. I was touched. I was touched by the action of giving even when you maybe don't have a lot to give. She showed me how it is always possible. I felt that the flower bracelet was more valuable than any expensive jewelry decorated with gold and diamonds. I put the flowers by my bed at that night, and the smell of the flower gave me a deep sense of peace and a reminder of potential and beauty in us, humans.
Here are some random photos from recent India days.
I simply love seeing colors and patterns. 色と模様を見ているだけでも楽しい。 |
I wonder if this is a school uniform. どこかの幼稚園か小学校のの制服かしら? |
Another great meal prepared by Bhavana Mavshi ブヴァナおばさんの作ってくれた、美味しいご飯の一コマ |
Vegetables sold on streets 通りで売られている野菜たち |
I had an opportunity to visit a Parsi residential area in Mumbai. パルシー教徒の人たちが暮らす地域を訪れる機会がありました。 |
I admired these. これら(砂で描かれた絵)がとてもきれいでかわいくてずっと見ていました。 |
I like this system - the dish cabinet and the dish drying tray being together. 食器棚と乾燥棚が同一している。とても便利なシステムだと思った。 |
The building was built a long time ago. 建物はもう何十年も前に建てられたものらしい。 |
As an architect lover, I was full of curiosity. 建築も好きな私は、興味津々でした。 |
Mango ice cream! マンゴーのアイスクリーム |
I got to watch a cricket game at one family's house. あるインド人のお宅。クリケット戦を少し観ました。 |
Bhavana Mavshi makes such a delicious breakfast. (this one does not contain egg). ブヴァナおばさんはいつもおいしい朝ご飯を作ってくれる。 これはある日の朝ご飯。(卵使ってないよ) |
Can you guess what this is for? これ、何に使うか分かります? |
The answer is to grab a hot steel cup. 答えは熱いスチールのカップを掴むためのもの。 |
My spice case that I will bring back to Hawaii. ハワイに持って帰れる自分のスパイスケースが欲しくて、買ったもの。 |
My first attempt to make a chapati 初めてのチャパティ作りに挑戦 |
I went to a post office for the first time, too. 初めて郵便局にも行ってみた。 |
This was a letter given to me from one of my students before I left Maui. I wrote to my students and send it off. これはマウイを発つ前に、生徒の一人がくれた手紙。 子ども達に手紙を書いて送っておきました。 |
I got to ride a train again. This is a map of stations in Mumbai. また電車に乗る機会がありました。 ムンバイの主要地域の線路図 |
There is this automated ticket counter, but no one seems to be using it. I don't know why. 自動のチケット販売機みたいなのがあるのだけど、誰も使っていない。 |
Instead, everyone seems to buy a ticket at these in-person service desks. 代わりに、みんなこうやって一つか二つしかない窓口に並んで買っている。 |
There is no ticket gate, so I don't know how the train station knows who has b bought he ticket or not. Maybe it is up to a person's honesty. 改札口は無いです。どうやって誰が切符を買ったのか、買っていないのか知るのかな? 全信頼を置いているのかな? |
I sometimes see people (both men and women) carrying things on top of their heads really well. This person was talking on the phone even. よく(男性も女性も)頭の上で色々な物を運んでいるのを見かける。 この方は片手で電話しながら。器用なものだ。 |
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